Connect Granatum Financeiro with PayPal
Unlock the superpowers of Granatum Financeiro + PayPal and automate your tasks without having to write a single line of code.
Granatum Financeiro and PayPal
your way
Check out the available triggers and actions in the automation of apps Granatum Financeiro + PayPal
Approved payment
For each approved payment on PayPalTrigger
payment id
payment status
payment date/time
total amount (decimal)
Amount after currency conversion
Total payment amount
fees (decimal)
taxas (texto)
shipping (decimal)
frete (texto)
customer: email
customer: first name
customer: last name
customer: paypal customer id
customer: country
customer: Telephone
address: recipient name
address street
address: city
address: state code
address: country code
address: Zip Code
Item names
Item numbers
Valor do frete em R$
Valor total do pagamento em R$
Valor da taxa cobrada pelo PayPal em R$
Expired payment
For each expired payment on PayPalTrigger
payment id
payment status
payment date/time
total amount (decimal)
Amount after currency conversion
Total payment amount
fees (decimal)
Amount of the fee charged by PayPal
shipping (decimal)
Amount of the fee charged by PayPal
customer: email
customer: first name
customer: last name
customer: paypal customer id
customer: country
customer: Telephone
address: recipient name
address street
address: city
address: state code
address: country code
address: Zip Code
Item names
Item numbers
Declined payment
For each declined payment on PayPalTrigger
payment id
payment status
payment date/time
total amount (decimal)
Amount after currency conversion
Total payment amount
fees (decimal)
Amount of the fee charged by PayPal
shipping (decimal)
Amount of the fee charged by PayPal
customer: email
customer: first name
customer: last name
customer: paypal customer id
customer: country
customer: Telephone
address: recipient name
address street
address: city
address: state code
address: country code
address: Zip Code
Item names
Item numbers
Refunded payment
For each refunded payment on PayPalTrigger
payment id
payment status
payment date/time
total amount (decimal)
Amount after currency conversion
Total payment amount
fees (decimal)
Amount of the fee charged by PayPal
shipping (decimal)
Amount of the fee charged by PayPal
customer: email
customer: first name
customer: last name
customer: paypal customer id
customer: country
customer: Telephone
address: recipient name
address street
address: city
address: state code
address: country code
address: Zip Code
Item names
Item numbers
Chargeback occurrence
When a chargeback occurs on PayPalTrigger
payment id
payment State
payment date/time
total amount (decimal)
Amount after currency conversion
Total payment amount
fees (decimal)
Amount of the fee charged by PayPal
shipping (decimal)
Amount of the fee charged by PayPal
customer: email
customer: first name
customer: last name
customer: paypal customer id
customer: country
customer: Telephone
address: recipient name
address street
address: city
address: state code
address: country code
address: Zip Code
Item names
Item numbers
Include payment related to fee
include a payment on Granatum Financeiro for refund feeAction
description Required
Amount Required
due date Required
Select account Required
Select the category Required
date of competence
Pay Automatically
Select the cost/profit center
Select payment method
Select the supplier
Supplier updates
supplier email
provider's name
Include receipt
include a receipt on Granatum FinanceiroAction
description Required
Amount Required
due date Required
Select account Required
Select the category Required
Select the type of document
document number
date of competence
Pay Automatically
Select the cost/profit center
Select payment method
Contact updates
customer email
customer name
customer phone
Customer's trade name
Customer document
Add or update customer
add/update a customer on Granatum FinanceiroAction
Document and e-mail address
Name Required
Fantasy name
State registration
Municipal registration
Street address
Address no.
Full address
Zip Code
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Automate Granatum Financeiro and PayPal
with Pluga integrationsExplore automation templates
For each declined payment on Paypal, include a receipt on Granatum Financeiro
EXPLOREFor each approved payment on Paypal, include a payment on Granatum Financeiro for refund fee
EXPLOREFor each refunded payment on Paypal, include a payment on Granatum Financeiro for refund fee
EXPLOREMiss an automation with this apps?
Say to us!How to integrate apps with Pluga?
Pluga allows you to integrate two or more apps in a simple, practical way without needing to type a single line of code. Here are the steps to automate your tasks and start focusing on what really matters.
Automate Granatum Financeiro + PayPal
and say goodbye to manual (and tedious) tasks!
By connecting the apps you use through Pluga, you can automate various processes in your routine and have time for tasks that really matter. Granatum Financeiro
AccountingGranatum is a comprehensive financial management platform for micro and small businesses. It allows tracking of accounts payable and receivable, real-time cash flow monitoring, NFS-e issuance, and automated billing without complications.
Integrations with Granatum Financeiro Visit Granatum FinanceiroPayPal
PaymentPayPal is an online payment service that allows secure sending and receiving of payments, facilitating commercial transactions and online purchases worldwide. The app focuses on fraud prevention and the banking infrastructure required to operate online payment systems.
Integrations with PayPal Visit PayPal