Automate your workflow as if by magic

Connect the apps you use most without writing a single line of code

7 day free trial, with full access!

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4.9 out of 5 stars on Product Hunt

Trusted by over 10.000 amazing companies

Seamslessly connect with over 100 top apps

Unlock the superpowers of the most popular apps in the areas of CRM, payment, marketing, project, chatbots and much more!

Zoho CRM Zoho CRM
Nuvemshop Nuvemshop
Google Drive Google Drive
Vindi Pagamentos Vindi Pagamentos
Kommo Kommo
Blip Blip
Bling Bling
Kiwify Kiwify
MemberKit MemberKit
WhatsApp Business Cloud WhatsApp Business Cloud
Yampi Yampi
Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams
Shopify Shopify
Linkedin Lead Ads Linkedin Lead Ads
Facebook Pages
Instagram Business Instagram Business
Gravity Forms Gravity Forms
Airtable Airtable
Jotform Jotform
ClickUp ClickUp
ZapSign ZapSign
Zenvia Canais Zenvia Canais
TikTok Ads TikTok Ads
Todoist Todoist
Calendly Calendly
Ploomes Ploomes
Discord Discord
JivoChat JivoChat

When something happens in app A, something else is performed in app B

For each response on a Facebook Lead Ads advertisement, add data to a new row on a Google Sheets spreadsheet

Shopify - Pluga
RD Station Marketing - Pluga

For each created order on Shopify, include or update the lead on RD Station Marketing

Notion - Pluga
Google Calendar - Pluga

For each new database item on Notion, create an event on Google Calendar

See all apps

Create your automation in
under 2 minutes

  • Select
  • Explore
  • Automate

Select the apps you love the most

Look through the apps and choose the ones your company uses the most or is interested in using.

Explore the full potential of the apps

See all the automation possibilities.

Automate and stop wasting time

Automate and discover all the ways it can add value to your company.

Connect and personalize your automation on your own

You can create automations with just a few clicks.
And what’s best: without having to write a single line of code.

  • Authorize
  • Personalize

Authorize and ensure access between apps

To connect the apps just provide the access keys, which are easily found.

Make the most of each app

Provide the information that will be sent by the apps and personalize them, so they match you.

Done! Now focus on what really matters

With more free time you can focus on the success of your company.

Ready to automate your business? Start now in under 2 minutes.

Get started free