• Automations

    Connection between web apps that perform tasks for you.

  • Events/month

    An event is the act of transferring data from App A to App B automatically.

  • Search

    How often Pluga checks for new data to trigger your automation.

  • Premium

    Templates, triggers and actions that demand greater care and require more custom support.

  • Multi-action

    Create multiple actions (with multiple apps) in a single automation workflow.

  • Pluga Originals

    These are produced exclusively by Pluga's own team.

  • Custom filters

    Setup your rules so that automations happen your way.

  • Intuitive
    no-code builder

    Intuitive visual builder to create automated workflows.

  • Math operations

    Add, subtract, multiply, or divide the information you want to send between your apps.

  • Round robin

    Automatically distribute deals among the users of your CRM app.

  • Custom fields

    Your automations your way and even more complete.

  • Live chat

    We'd love to help and chat with you. :)

  • Support by

    We answer everyone with great care. :)

  • Smart retry

    Automatically retry events that failed due to temporary errors or downtime of the apps.

  • Full-text
    log search

    Search and quickly identify any item in your automation events log for faster and effective analysis.

  • Automation events
    log storage

    Number of days that detailed events logs are available for.


To get started and validate your idea 💡

$ 0 / month

  • Automations 3
  • Events/month 100
  • Search interval 15 min
  • Premium automations
  • Multi-action
  • Pluga Originals
  • Custom filters
  • Intuitive no-code builder
  • Math operations
  • Round robin
  • Custom fields
  • Live chat
  • Suporte por e-mail
  • Smart retry
  • Full-text log search
  • Automation events log storage 90 days

Trusted by over 10.000 amazing companies

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Automation is the connection between two web apps which performs a certain task for you. The logic is: When something happens in App A something else runs in App B. Example: When a payment is processed in Stripe a row in Airtable is created. It is the combination of the trigger [in the source app] with the action [in the target app].

  • An event is the act of transferring data from App A to B. Considering the automation When a payment is processed in Stripe create a row in Airtable if you have 10 new processed payments in Stripe 10 new leads will be created in the Airtable. That is there will be 10 events processed by Pluga.

  • Pluga Originals are features developed by our own team so that your experience is even more personalised. One of them is Pluga Webhooks which allows you to connect an app for which we do not yet have integration with another that we already do.

  • Not at all! Anyone can use Pluga with or without technical knowledge. Go for it then tell us your thoughts! ;)

  • We save your data with great care and do not share it with third-party companies. Therefore we only act as an intelligent and safe bridge for data traffic between the web apps you use. See here what Pluga has been doing to comply with the CCPA, GPDR and LGPD.

  • After your trial period you have the option of continuing on the free plan or subscribing to one of our paid plans.

    By subscribing to a plan you are entitled to all Pluga features including custom filters, multi-action as well as premium and original automations, and a minimum interval of 5 minutes for Pluga to search for new data from your automation.

    If you feel that it is not yet time you can continue on the free plan with its limitations.

  • After performing the upgrade on your dashboard Pluga will automatically switch your account to the new plan the billing cycle will be updated and an invoice will be generated. The amount charged will be the difference between the value of the new plan and the amount relative to the days that you will no longer use the old plan.

    Here is an example: Let's assume that you are on the Basic plan $17.00 and your billing cycle restarts every 1st day of the month. Then you upgrade to the Pro plan for $41.00 on the 16th.

    That means you have used 15 days of your Basic plan and will not use the remaining 15 days. The amount charged will then be $41.00 - $8.50 (equivalent to the 15 days of the Basic plan that will not be used) which is equal to $32.50.

  • The downgrade is performed at the end of your current billing cycle. That is if your billing cycle restarts every 1st day of the month and you request the downgrade on the 16th for example you will still be able to use the current plan until the 1st of the following month.

  • If you exceed your current plan limit you have the option to upgrade at any time and resume using your automations or wait for your billing cycle to restart.

    In either scenario you will not lose your data. Pluga will continue to capture the information from the source app but the events will remain saved in the dashboard. After the billing cycle has resset (or the upgrade has been performed) you can access your dashboard and resend saved events

  • You can unsubscribe at any time from your dashboard. When canceling you will still be able to enjoy your paid plan until the end of the current billing cycle.

    When the billing cycle ressets if you have not changed your mind and taken an action to reactivate the subscription your plan will automatically switch to our free option.

  • Pluga does not issue refunds for plans canceled before the end of the contracted period. This means that if you cancel a subscription on August 8, but your prepaid period ends on September 5, you will still have access to the features associated with your paid plan until September 5. Please be aware that both annual and monthly plans are recurring. If you wish to cancel your subscription, you should do so before the end of the prepaid period (expiration date).

  • Great! We encourage you to contact us at our Help Center or email. Our support email: support@pluga.co ;)