Automate Gravity Forms with eNotas
Unlock the superpowers of Gravity Forms + eNotas and automate your tasks without having to write a single line of code.
Gravity Forms and eNotas
your way
Check out the available triggers and actions in the automation of apps Gravity Forms + eNotas
New response
For each new response on Gravity FormsTrigger
Response ID
Response date/time
Response update date/time
ID of the form referring to the response
Generate service or product NF-e
generate an electronic service or product invoice via eNotasAction
Date of sale Required
Name Required
Send the invoice to the customer
External id
Guarantee Expiry
Fantasy name
State registration
Municipal registration
City name
IBGE city code
Public place
Zip Code
Product's name Required
External product id
Total product amount
Amount Required
When to issue the invoice
Method of payment for the sale
Name of the municipality where the service is provided
IBGE code of the municipality of provision
Competence date
Service breakdown
Total amount of the invoice
ISS rate
ISS amount
Withhold ISS
Invoice deductions
Invoice notes
Taxes Withheld - Cofins (%)
Taxes Withheld - Csll(%)
Taxes Withheld - Inss(%)
Taxes Withheld - Ir(%)
Taxes Withheld - Pis(%)
Insert or update customer
create/update customer on eNotasAction
Municipal registration
State registration
Name Required
Search by email
Public place
Zip Code
Didn't find your use case? Send suggestion.
Automate Gravity Forms and eNotas
with Pluga integrationsExplore automation templates
How to integrate apps with Pluga?
Pluga allows you to integrate two or more apps in a simple, practical way without needing to type a single line of code. Here are the steps to automate your tasks and start focusing on what really matters.
Automate Gravity Forms + eNotas
and say goodbye to manual (and tedious) tasks!
By connecting the apps you use through Pluga, you can automate various processes in your routine and have time for tasks that really matter. Gravity Forms
FormsGravity Forms is a plugin that allows the creation of online forms in WordPress. With it, you can create forms to connect with your website or blog visitors and expand your reach.
Integrations with Gravity Forms Visit Gravity FormseNotas
InvoiceeNotas is a service or product invoices issuer. By connecting it to your payment method, e-commerce platform, or even a spreadsheet, the app automates both the issuance of invoices and their delivery to customers.
Integrations with eNotas Visit eNotas