Connect MemberKit with Bling
Unlock the superpowers of MemberKit + Bling and automate your tasks without having to write a single line of code.
MemberKit and Bling
your way
Check out the available triggers and actions in the integration of apps MemberKit + Bling and build your automation
Password created
For each password created in MemberKitTrigger
Full name
Phone local code
Phone number
Creation date
Creation date (on format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)
Invoice issued
For each new issued invoice on BlingTrigger
Invoice: ID
Invoice: Situation
Invoice: Number
Invoice: Emission date
Contact: ID
Contact: Name
Contact: Document number
Contact: Email
Contact: Code
Contact: Status
Contact: Cellphone
Contact: Trade name
Contact: Type
Contact: State registration indicator
Contact: Document issuing authority
Contact: Date of birth
Contact: Gender
Contact: Place of birth
Contact: Credit limit
Contact: Payment condition
Contact: Country
Contact: Type descriptions
Contact: People descriptions
Contact: Address
Contact: Address number
Contact: Address complement
Contact: Neighborhood
Contact: Zip code
Contact: City
Contact: State
Billing: Address
Billing: Address number
Billing: Address complement
Billing: Neighborhood
Billing: ZIP code
Billing: City
Billing: State
(Only NFe) Invoice's access key
(Only NFe) Invoice's XML
(Only NFe) Invoice's DANFE link
(Only NFe) Invoice's PDF link
(only NFe) Invoice value
(Only NFe) Freight paid by the invoice
(Only NFe) Invoice's transporter name
(Only NFe) Carrier document
(Only NFe) Transport label name
(Only NFe) Transport label address
(Only NFe) Transport address number
(Only NFe) Transport address complement
(Only NFe) City of the transport address
(Only NFe) State of the transport address
(Only NFe) ZIP code of the transport address
(Only NFe) Neighborhood of the transport address
(Except NFSe) Invoice type
(Except NFSe) Invoice operation date
(Except NFSe) State registration of the contact on the invoice
(Except NFSe) ID of the contact on the invoice
(Except NFSe) Phone number on the invoice
(except service invoice) Operation nature ID
(except service invoice) Operation nature description
(Only NFSe) Invoice's RPS number
(Only NFSe) Invoice series
(Only NFSe) Invoice's value
Store ID
Store description
Store integration type
Accounts receivable created
When an account receivable is created on BlingTrigger
Account: Situation
Account: Due date
Account: Value
Account: Emission date
Account: Fiscal code of the payment method
Account: Description of the accounting account
Account: Origin type
Account: Origin number
Account: Original emission date
Account: Value origin
Account: Origin situation
Account: Source URL
Account: Balance
Account: Original due date
Account: Document number
Account: Competency date
Account: History
Account: Bank number
Contact: Name
Contact: Document
Contact: Type
Account: Type of occurrence
Contact: Code
Contact: Situation
Contact: Mobile phone
Contact: Fantasy name
Contact: State registration indicator
Contact: Issuing authority of the document
Contact: Birthday
Contact: Gender
Contact: Place of birth
Contact: Credit limit
Contact: Payment condition
Contact: Country
Contact: Type descriptions
Contact: People descriptions
Contact: Address
Contact: Address number
Contact: Address complement
Contact: Neighborhood
Contact: Zip code
Contact: City
Contact: State
Contact: Billing address
Contact: Billing address number
Contact: Billing address complement
Contact: Billing address neighborhood
Contact: Billing address CEP
Contact: Municipality of the billing address
Contact: Billing address state
Sales order created
When a sales order is created on BlingTrigger
Order: ID
Order: Number
Order: Virtual store number
Order: Date
Order: Departure date
Order: Estimated date
Order: Item value
Order: Amount
Order: Purchase number
Order: Salesperson name
Order: Seller ID
Order: Other expenses
Order: Observations
Order: Internal observations
Order: Status
Marketplace fee
Shipping fee
Customer: ID
Customer: Name
Customer: Trade name
Customer: CPF/CNPJ
Customer: Birth date
Customer: ID
Customer: State Registration Indicator
Customer: State registration
Customer: Street
Customer: ZIP code
Customer: Neighborhood
Customer: City
Customer: State
Customer: Address number
Customer: Address complement
Customer: Street of the billing address
Customer: ZIP code of the billing address
Customer: Neighborhood of the billing address
Customer: City of the billing address
Customer: State of the billing address
Customer: Address number of the billing address
Client: Address complement of the billing address
Customer: Email
Customer: Mobile phone number
Customer: Phone number
Customer: Mobile phone (numbers only)
Customer: Telephone (numbers only)
Order: Shipping cost
Shipping: Number of packages
Shipping: Gross weight
Shipping: Delivery time
Shipping: Carrier ID
Shipping: Carrier name
Delivery: Recipient of the delivery address
Delivery: Street
Delivery: Number of address
Delivery: Address complement
Delivery: City
Delivery: Neighborhood
Delivery: ZIP code
Delivery: State
Shipping: Tracking code
Logistics services IDs (separated by commas)
Items: Code
Items: Description
Items: Quantity
Items: Amount
Items: Discount
Items: Description-Quantity
Items: Code-Description-Quantity-Unit value-Discount
Items: Total quantity
Items: [Code] Description: Unit value x Quantity
Items: Description - with line break
Items: Quantity - with line break
Order: Total quantity of products
Items in format: Quantity - Description - Total value (separated by line break)
Taxation - ICMS amount
Taxation: IPI
Order: Store ID
Store description
Store integration type
Intermediary: CNPJ
Intermediary: User name
Order: Discount value
Order: Discount per unit
Order: Invoice ID
Installments: Observations
Payment method: ID
Installment: Quantity
Installment: Due date of the first installment
Installments: Due date
Installments: Value - Due date
New customer or supplier registered
For each registered client or supplier on BlingTrigger
Contact: Name
Contact: Code
Contact: Situation
Contact: Document number
Contact: Phone number
Contact: Phone number
Contact: Trade name
Contact: Type
Contact: State registration indicator
Contact: State registration
Contact: ID
Contact: Issuing authority
Contact: Email
Address: Street
Address: ZIP code
Address: Neighborhood
Address: City
Address: State
Address: Number
Address: Complement
Billing: Street of the address
Billing: ZIP code of the address
Billing: Neighborhood of the address
Billing: City of the address
Billing: State of the address
Billing: Address number
Billing: Address complement
Contact: Birthday
Contact: Gender
Contact: Place of birth
Contact: Credit limit
Contact: Payment terms
Contact: Country
Contact: Type
Contact: Type of entity
Seller's name
Sales order with a specific status
When a sales order reaches a certain status on BlingTrigger
Order: ID
Order: Number
Order: Virtual store number
Pedido: Date
Order: Departure date
Order: Estimated date
Order: Item value
Order: Sales value
Order: Purchase number
Order: Seller's name
Order: Seller's ID
Order: Other expenses
Order: Observations
Order: Internal observations
Order: Status
Marketplace fee
Shipping fee
Customer: ID
Customer: Name
Customer: Trade name
Customer: CPF/CNPJ
Customer: Birth date
Customer: ID
Customer: State Registration Indicator
Customer: State registration
Customer: Street
Customer: ZIP code
Customer: Neighborhood
Customer: City
Customer: State
Customer: Address number
Customer: Address complement
Customer: Billing address street
Customer: ZIP code of the billing address
Customer: Neighborhood of the billing address
Customer: City of the billing address
Customer: State of the billing address
Customer: Address number of billing address
Customer: Address complement of billing address
Customer: Email
Customer: Mobile phone number
Customer: Phone number
Customer: Mobile phone (numbers only)
Customer: Telephone (numbers only)
Shipping: Value
Shipping: Number of volumes
Shipping: Gross weight
Shipping: Delivery time
Shipping: Carrier ID
Shipping: Carrier name
Delivery: Recipient of the address
Delivery: Street
Delivery: Address number
Delivery: Address complement
Delivery: City
Delivery: Neighborhood
Delivery: ZIP code
Delivery: State
Shipping: Tracking code
Logistics services IDs (separated by commas)
Items: Code
Items: Description
Items: Quantity
Items: Amount
Items: Discount
Items: Description-Quantity
Items: Code-Description-Quantity-Unit value-Discount
Items: Total quantity
Items: [Code] Description: Unit value x Quantity
Items: Description (with line break)
Items: Quantity (with line break)
Order: Total quantity of products
Items in format: Quantity - Description - Total value (separated by line break)
Taxation: ICMS value
Taxation: IPI
Order: Store ID
Store description
Store integration type
Intermediary: CNPJ
Intermediary: Name
Order: Discount value
Order: Discount unit
Order: Invoice ID
Installments: Observations
Payment method: ID
Installment: Quantity
Installment: Due date of the first installment
Installments: Due date
Installments: Value - Due date
Register or update member
register or update a member in MemberKitAction
Classroom selection mode
Class name
Classroom name
ID do nível da assinatura
Enrollment status Required
Access block
Full name Required
Email Required
Access expiration date
Area code of the phone number
Telephone number
Generate accounts receivable
generate accounts receivable in BlingAction
Bill's contact name Required
Person type Required
CPF/CNPJ of the contact
Email Required
Due date of the invoice Required
Amount of the invoice Required
Payment method
Contact's document number
Issuance date of the invoice
Date of competency of the invoice
Account category
Account history
Type of contribution
State registration
Contact type
State address
Trade name
Contact's phone number
Street address
Address number
Address complement of the contact
Neighborhood of the contact's address
ZIP code of the contact's address
City of the contact's address
Account selection strategy
Account: Name
Create or update registry (clients and suppliers)
create/update a registration (customers and vendors) on BlingAction
Name or company name of the contact Required
Person type Required
Contact CPF or CNPJ
Contact's code
Trade name of the contact
Type of contribution
State registration
Type contact
Contact's phone number
Contact's mobile number
Address: Street
Address: Number
Address: Complement
Address: Neighborhood
Address: ZIP code
Address: City
Address: State
Customer's birth date
Sales order (single item)
create a sales order on BlingAction Premium
Order date Required
Items type Required
Order item code
Items description Required
Item quantity Required
Item unit value Required
Name or company name of the contact Required
Person type Required
Contact CPF or CNPJ
Contact's code
Type of contribution
State registration
Type of registration
UF address
Order status
Trade name
Phone number
Street address
Number address
Complement address
Neighborhood address
ZIP code
Contact birth date
Order departure date
Expected delivery date
Order discount value
Discount unit type
Other expenses
Payment condition
Data de vencimento da primeira parcela
Installments' quantity
Installment notes
Salesperson selection strategy
Salesperson: Name
Category selection strategy
Category: Name
Recipient's name of the order
Street of the delivery address
Number of the delivery address
Address complement of the delivery address
City of the delivery address
State of the delivery address
ZIP code of the delivery address
Neighborhood of the delivery address
Shipping type
Order weight
Cost of freight
Order number on online store
Internal notes
Store ID
Automate MemberKit and Bling
with Pluga integrationsExplore automation templates
When a created sales order is on Bling, register or update a member in MemberKit
EXPLOREWhen a sales order reaches a certain status on Bling, register or update a member in MemberKit
EXPLOREWhen an created account receivable is on Bling, register or update a member in MemberKit
EXPLOREFor each new issued invoice on Bling, register or update a member in MemberKit
EXPLOREFor each registered client or supplier on Bling, register or update a member in MemberKit
EXPLOREMiss an automation with this apps?
Say to us!How to integrate apps with Pluga?
Pluga allows you to integrate two or more apps in a simple, practical way without needing to type a single line of code. Here are the steps to automate your tasks and start focusing on what really matters.
Integrate MemberKit + Bling
and say goodbye to manual (and tedious) tasks!
By connecting the apps you use through Pluga, you can automate various processes in your routine and have time for tasks that really matter. MemberKit
Product InfoMemberKit is a platform for creating and managing members on websites, including features like access control, recurring payments, and exclusive content management for members.
Integrations with MemberKit Visit MemberKitBling
ERPBling is an ERP aimed at facilitating business management. Its features include issuing invoices and payslips, stock control, and financial management.
Integrations with Bling Visit Bling