Connect PipeRun with Shopify
Unlock the superpowers of PipeRun + Shopify and automate your tasks without having to write a single line of code.
PipeRun and Shopify
your way
Check out the available triggers and actions in the integration of apps PipeRun + Shopify and build your automation
Won opportunity
For each won opportunity on PipeRunTrigger
Opportunity ID
Title the opportunity
Opportunity owner email
Name of opportunity owner
Opportunity creation date
Closing date
Recurring Amount (MRR)
Company: ID
Company: Name
Company: CNPJ
Person: ID
Person: Name
Person: Email
Person: Phone
Person: CPF
Company: Social Name
Deal stage
Origin of the opportunity
Person: Position
Person: Birthday
Person: Public place
Person: Address Number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: UF
Person: City
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Company: State Registration
Company: Company Type
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address Number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: UF
Company: City
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Empresa: Status Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Share Capital
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Last proposal: Amount
Last proposal: Introduction
Last proposal: Observation
Last proposal: Url
Latest proposal: Creation date
Last proposal: Update date
Last proposal: Due date
Latest proposal: MRR due date
Last proposal: Number of installments
Last proposal: Number of installments (MRR)
Last proposal: Interval between installments
Latest proposal: Deadline for the first installment
Last proposal: Currency name
Latest proposal: Country of currency
Latest proposal: Currency symbol
Last proposal: Shipping Amount
Last proposal: Total amount of items added without discounts
Last proposal: Total amount of the item discount
Last proposal: Total discount amount
Last proposal: Name, amount and quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: comma-separated item names
Last proposal: amount of items separated by comma
Last proposal: quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: code for items separated by commas
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: name
Last proposal: Purchase order
Emails of people and contact separated by comma
Official carrier name
Carrier name
CNPJ of the carrier
Carrier Zip Code
Carrier address
Carrier address number
Carrier address supplement
Opportunity lost
For each lost opportunity on PipeRunTrigger
Opportunity ID
Opportunity title
Reason for loss
Opportunity owner’s email
Name of opportunity owner
Creation date
Closing date
Recurring Amount (MRR)
Company: ID
Company: Name
Company: CNPJ
Person: ID
Person: Name
Person: Email
Person: Phone
Person: CPF
Company: Social Name
Deal stage
Origin of the opportunity
Person: Position
Person: Birthday
Person: Public place
Person: Address Number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: UF
Person: City
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Company: State Registration
Company: Company Type
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address Number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: UF
Company: City
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Empresa: Status Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Share Capital
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Last proposal: Amount
Last proposal: Introduction
Last proposal: Observation
Last proposal: Url
Latest proposal: Creation date
Last proposal: Update date
Last proposal: Due date
Latest proposal: MRR due date
Last proposal: Number of installments
Last proposal: Number of installments (MRR)
Last proposal: Interval between installments
Latest proposal: Deadline for the first installment
Last proposal: Currency name
Latest proposal: Country of currency
Latest proposal: Currency symbol
Last proposal: Shipping Amount
Last proposal: Total amount of items added without discounts
Last proposal: Total amount of the item discount
Last proposal: Name, amount and quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: comma-separated item names
Last proposal: amount of items separated by comma
Last proposal: quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: code for items separated by commas
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: name
Last proposal: Purchase order
Emails of people and contact separated by comma
Official carrier name
Carrier name
CNPJ of the carrier
Carrier Zip Code
Carrier address
Carrier address number
Carrier address supplement
Processed order
For each processed order on ShopifyTrigger
Order: ID
Order: Creation date/time
Order: Creation date/time (formatted YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S).
Order: Total amount (decimal)
Order: Total amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Subtotal amount (decimal)
Order: Subtotal amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Weight (g)
Order: Total fee (decimal)
Order: Currency
Order: Full discount (decimal)
Order: Total discount percentage (decimal)
Order: Total amount of items (decimal)
Request: Customer Location
Order number
Order: Discount codes (comma separated)
Order: Note
Order: Note attributes (comma separated)
Order: Name of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Amount of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Payment Gateway
Request: Payment gateway names (comma separated)
Order: Origin name
Order: Tags (comma separated)
Request: URL
Order: Full shipping (decimal)
Order: Total shipping (formatted in reais)
Order: Tips Total (decimal)
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation - SKU - Tags - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - SKU). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation). Separated by comma.
Order: Name of items (Title). Separated by comma.
Order: Full name of items (Title + Variant). Separated by comma.
Order: Item quantities (Quantity). Separated by comma.
Order: Comma separated SKUs
Order: Shipping summary (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Billing: full name
Billing: first name
Billing: second name
Billing: telephone
Billing: city
Billing: state
Billing: country
Billing: Zip Code
Billing: Address
Billing: Supplement
Billing: company
Billing: country code
Billing: UF
Delivery: full name
Delivery: first name
Delivery: second name
Delivery: telephone
Delivery: city
Delivery: State
Delivery: country
Delivery: Zip Code
Delivery: Address
Delivery: Complement
Delivery: company
Delivery: country code
Delivery: UF
Customer: ID
Customer: Email
Customer: Do you acZip Codet email marketing?
Customer: Creation date/time
Customer: Update date/time
Customer: First name
Customer: Last name
Customer: Notes
Customer: Tax exempt?
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Tags (comma separated)
Customer: Currency
Customer (default address): First name
Customer (default address): Last name
Customer (default address): Company
Customer (default address): Address
Customer (default address): Complement
Customer (default address): City
Customer (default address): State
Customer (default address): Country
Customer (default address): Zip Code
Customer (default address): Telephone
Customer (default address): Full name
Customer (default address): UF
Customer (default address): Country code
Customer (default address): Country name
Order reversed
For each nullified/refunded payment order on ShopifyTrigger
Order: ID
Order: Creation date/time
Order: Creation date/time (formatted YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S).
Order: Total amount (decimal)
Order: Total amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Subtotal amount (decimal)
Order: Subtotal amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Weight (g)
Order: Total fee (decimal)
Order: Currency
Order: Full discount (decimal)
Order: Total discount percentage (decimal)
Order: Total amount of items (decimal)
Request: Customer Location
Order number
Order: Discount codes (comma separated)
Order: Note
Order: Note attributes (comma separated)
Order: Name of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Amount of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Payment Gateway
Request: Payment gateway names (comma separated)
Order: Origin name
Order: Tags (comma separated)
Request: URL
Order: Full shipping (decimal)
Order: Total shipping (formatted in reais)
Order: Tips Total (decimal)
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation - SKU - Tags - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - SKU). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation). Separated by comma.
Order: Name of items (Title). Separated by comma.
Order: Full name of items (Title + Variant). Separated by comma.
Order: Item quantities (Quantity). Separated by comma.
Order: Comma separated SKUs
Order: Shipping summary (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Billing: full name
Billing: first name
Billing: second name
Billing: telephone
Billing: city
Billing: state
Billing: country
Billing: Zip Code
Billing: Address
Billing: Supplement
Billing: company
Billing: country code
Billing: UF
Delivery: full name
Delivery: first name
Delivery: second name
Delivery: telephone
Delivery: city
Delivery: state
Delivery: country
Delivery: Zip Code
Delivery: Address
Delivery: Complement
Delivery: company
Delivery: country code
Delivery: UF
Customer: ID
Customer: Email
Customer: Do you acZip Codet email marketing?
Customer: Creation date/time
Customer: Update date/time
Customer: First name
Customer: Last name
Customer: Notes
Customer: Tax exempt?
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Tags (comma separated)
Customer: Currency
Customer (default address): First name
Customer (default address): Last name
Customer (default address): Company
Customer (default address): Address
Customer (default address): Complement
Customer (default address): City
Customer (default address): State
Customer (default address): Country
Customer (default address): Zip Code
Customer (default address): Telephone
Customer (default address): Full name
Customer (default address): UF
Customer (default address): Country code
Customer (default address): Country name
Request: Refund date/time
Order: Refund date/time (formatted YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S)
Request: Justification for reversal
Moved opportunity
When an opportunity reaches a certain funnel stage on PipeRunTrigger
Opportunity ID
Opportunity title
Reason for loss
Opportunity owner’s email
Name of opportunity owner
Creation date
Moved in
Closing date
Recurring Amount (MRR)
Company: ID
Company: Name
Company: CNPJ
Person: ID
Person: Name
Person: Email
Person: Phone
Person: CPF
Company: Social Name
Deal stage
Origin of the opportunity
Person: Position
Person: Birthday
Person: Public place
Person: Address Number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: UF
Person: City
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Company: State Registration
Company: Company Type
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address Number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: UF
Company: City
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Empresa: Status Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Share Capital
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Last proposal: Amount
Last proposal: Introduction
Last proposal: Observation
Last proposal: Url
Latest proposal: Creation date
Last proposal: Update date
Last proposal: Due date
Latest proposal: MRR due date
Last proposal: Number of installments
Last proposal: Number of installments (MRR)
Last proposal: Interval between installments
Latest proposal: Deadline for the first installment
Last proposal: Currency name
Latest proposal: Country of currency
Latest proposal: Currency symbol
Last proposal: Shipping Amount
Last proposal: Total amount of items added without discounts
Last proposal: Total amount of the item discount
Last proposal: Name, amount and quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: comma-separated item names
Last proposal: amount of items separated by comma
Last proposal: quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: code for items separated by commas
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: name
Last proposal: Purchase order
Emails of people and contact separated by comma
Official carrier name
Carrier name
CNPJ of the carrier
Carrier Zip Code
Carrier address
Carrier address number
Carrier address supplement
For each created contact
For each created contact on PipeRunTrigger
Contact: ID
Contact: Name
Contact: Address
Contact: Address number
Contact: Address Complement
Contact: District
Contact: Postal code
Contact: Website
Contact: Status
Contact: Created at
Contact: Email
Contact: Telephone
Contact: Email for invoice [only legal person]
Contact: CPF
Contact: CNPJ
Contact: State registration [only legal person]
Paid order
For each paid order on ShopifyTrigger
Order: ID
Order: Creation date/time
Order: Creation date/time (formatted YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S).
Order: Total amount (decimal)
Order: Total amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Subtotal amount (decimal)
Order: Subtotal amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Weight (g)
Order: Total fee (decimal)
Order: Currency
Order: Full discount (decimal)
Order: Total discount percentage (decimal)
Order: Total amount of items (decimal)
Request: Customer Location
Order number
Order: Discount codes (comma separated)
Order: Note
Order: Note attributes (comma separated)
Order: Name of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Amount of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Payment Gateway
Request: Payment gateway names (comma separated)
Order: Origin name
Order: Tags (comma separated)
Request: URL
Order: Full shipping (decimal)
Order: Total shipping (formatted in reais)
Order: Tips Total (decimal)
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation - SKU - Tags - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - SKU). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation). Separated by comma.
Order: Name of items (Title). Separated by comma.
Order: Full name of items (Title + Variant). Separated by comma.
Order: Item quantities (Quantity). Separated by comma.
Order: Comma separated SKUs
Order: Shipping summary (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Billing: full name
Billing: first name
Billing: second name
Billing: telephone
Billing: city
Billing: state
Billing: country
Billing: Zip Code
Billing: Address
Billing: Supplement
Billing: company
Billing: country code
Billing: UF
Delivery: full name
Delivery: first name
Delivery: second name
Delivery: telephone
Delivery: city
Delivery: state
Delivery: country
Delivery: Zip Code
Delivery: Address
Delivery: Complement
Delivery: company
Delivery: country code
Delivery: UF
Customer: ID
Customer: Email
Customer: Do you acZip Codet email marketing?
Customer: Creation date/time
Customer: Update date/time
Customer: First name
Customer: Last name
Customer: Notes
Customer: Tax exempt?
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Tags (comma separated)
Customer: Currency
Customer (default address): First name
Customer (default address): Last name
Customer (default address): Company
Customer (default address): Address
Customer (default address): Complement
Customer (default address): City
Customer (default address): State
Customer (default address): Country
Customer (default address): Zip Code
Customer (default address): Telephone
Customer (default address): Full name
Customer (default address): UF
Customer (default address): Country code
Customer (default address): Country name
Order: Payment date/time
Order: Payment date/time (formatted YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S)
Opportunity created
For each added opportunity on PipeRunTrigger
Opportunity ID
Opportunity title
Reason for loss
Opportunity owner’s email
Name of opportunity owner
Creation date
Closing date
Recurring Amount (MRR)
Company: ID
Company: Name
Company: CNPJ
Person: ID
Person: Name
Person: Email
Person: Phone
Person: CPF
Company: Social Name
Deal stage
Origin of the opportunity
Person: Position
Person: Birthday
Person: Public place
Person: Address Number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: City
Person: UF
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Company: State Registration
Company: Company Type
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address Number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: UF
Company: City
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Empresa: Status Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Share Capital
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Last proposal: Amount
Last proposal: Introduction
Last proposal: Observation
Last proposal: Url
Latest proposal: Creation date
Last proposal: Update date
Last proposal: Due date
Latest proposal: MRR due date
Last proposal: Number of installments
Last proposal: Number of installments (MRR)
Last proposal: Interval between installments
Latest proposal: Deadline for the first installment
Last proposal: Currency name
Latest proposal: Country of currency
Latest proposal: Currency symbol
Last proposal: Shipping Amount
Last proposal: Total amount of items added without discounts
Last proposal: Total amount of the item discount
Last proposal: Name, amount and quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: comma-separated item names
Last proposal: amount of items separated by comma
Last proposal: quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: code for items separated by commas
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: name
Last proposal: Purchase order
Emails of people and contact separated by comma
Official carrier name
Carrier name
CNPJ of the carrier
Carrier Zip Code
Carrier address
Carrier address number
Carrier address supplement
Created order
For each created order on ShopifyTrigger
Order: ID
Order: Creation date/time
Order: Creation date/time (formatted YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S).
Order: Total amount (decimal)
Order: Total amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Subtotal amount (decimal)
Order: Subtotal amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Weight (g)
Order: Total fee (decimal)
Order: Currency
Order: Full discount (decimal)
Order: Total discount percentage (decimal)
Order: Total amount of items (decimal)
Request: Customer Location
Order number
Order: Discount codes (comma separated)
Order: Note
Order: Note attributes (comma separated)
Order: Name of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Amount of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Payment Gateway
Request: Payment gateway names (comma separated)
Order: Origin name
Order: Tags (comma separated)
Request: URL
Order: Full shipping (decimal)
Order: Total shipping (formatted in reais)
Order: Tips Total (decimal)
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation - SKU - Tags - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - SKU). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation). Separated by comma.
Order: Name of items (Title). Separated by comma.
Order: Full name of items (Title + Variant). Separated by comma.
Order: Item quantities (Quantity). Separated by comma.
Order: Comma separated SKUs
Order: Shipping summary (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Billing: full name
Billing: first name
Billing: second name
Billing: telephone
Billing: city
Billing: state
Billing: country
Billing: Zip Code
Billing: Address
Billing: Supplement
Billing: company
Billing: country code
Billing: UF
Delivery: full name
Delivery: first name
Delivery: second name
Delivery: telephone
Delivery: city
Delivery: state
Delivery: country
Delivery: Zip Code
Delivery: Address
Delivery: Complement
Delivery: company
Delivery: country code
Delivery: UF
Customer: ID
Customer: Email
Customer: Do you acZip Codet email marketing?
Customer: Creation date/time
Customer: Update date/time
Customer: First name
Customer: Last name
Customer: Notes
Customer: Tax exempt?
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Tags (comma separated)
Customer: Currency
Customer (default address): First name
Customer (default address): Last name
Customer (default address): Company
Customer (default address): Address
Customer (default address): Complement
Customer (default address): City
Customer (default address): State
Customer (default address): Country
Customer (default address): Zip Code
Customer (default address): Telephone
Customer (default address): Full name
Customer (default address): UF
Customer (default address): Country code
Customer (default address): Country name
Order refunded
For each refunded order on ShopifyTrigger
Order: ID
Order: Creation date/time
Order: Creation date/time (formatted YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S).
Order: Total amount (decimal)
Order: Total amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Subtotal amount (decimal)
Order: Subtotal amount (formatted in reais)
Order: Weight (g)
Order: Total fee (decimal)
Order: Currency
Order: Full discount (decimal)
Order: Total discount percentage (decimal)
Order: Total amount of items (decimal)
Request: Customer Location
Order number
Order: Discount codes (comma separated)
Order: Note
Order: Note attributes (comma separated)
Order: Name of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Amount of note attributes (separated by comma)
Order: Payment Gateway
Request: Payment gateway names (comma separated)
Order: Origin name
Order: Tags (comma separated)
Request: URL
Order: Full shipping (decimal)
Order: Total shipping (formatted in reais)
Order: Tips Total (decimal)
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation - SKU - Tags - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - SKU). Separated by comma.
Order: Summary of items (Title - Quantity - Variation). Separated by comma.
Order: Name of items (Title). Separated by comma.
Order: Full name of items (Title + Variant). Separated by comma.
Order: Item quantities (Quantity). Separated by comma.
Order: Comma separated SKUs
Order: Shipping summary (Title - Amount). Separated by comma.
Billing: full name
Billing: first name
Billing: second name
Billing: telephone
Billing: city
Billing: state
Billing: country
Billing: Zip Code
Billing: Address
Billing: Supplement
Billing: company
Billing: country code
Billing: UF
Delivery: full name
Delivery: first name
Delivery: second name
Delivery: telephone
Delivery: city
Delivery: state
Delivery: country
Delivery: Zip Code
Delivery: Address
Delivery: Complement
Delivery: company
Delivery: country code
Delivery: UF
Customer: ID
Customer: Email
Customer: Do you acZip Codet email marketing?
Customer: Creation date/time
Customer: Update date/time
Customer: First name
Customer: Last name
Customer: Notes
Customer: Tax exempt?
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Tags (comma separated)
Customer: Currency
Customer (default address): First name
Customer (default address): Last name
Customer (default address): Company
Customer (default address): Address
Customer (default address): Complement
Customer (default address): City
Customer (default address): State
Customer (default address): Country
Customer (default address): Zip Code
Customer (default address): Telephone
Customer (default address): Full name
Customer (default address): UF
Customer (default address): Country code
Customer (default address): Country name
Request: Refund date/time
Request: Refund date/time (formatted YYYY-MM-DD H:M:S)
Request: Justification for refund
Order: Full refunded
Create deal (single item)
add or update an opportunity on PipeRunAction
Distribute new deal
Select sellers
Opportunity owner’s email
Deal owner update logic
Reopen closed deals
Opportunity title Required
Opportunity Tags
Origin: Type
Origin name
Reason for closing the deal
Persons name Required
Person's email Required
Deal amount
Recurring Amount
Person's Telephone
Company Name
Company's Corporate Name
Reason for loss
Opportunity closing forecast
Person: Position
Person: Public place
Person: Address number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: City
Person: State (UF)
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Person's CPF
Company: State Registration
Type of Company
Company Telephone
Company Email
Company CNPJ
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company Status
Company Status
Company: Modelo Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Capital Social
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Create proposal
Proposal: Proposal type
Proposal: Template
Proposal: Expiration date
Proposal: Item type
Proposal: Payment method
Proposal: Number of installments
Proposal: First payment date
Proposal: Down payment percentage
Proposal: Days between down payment and first installment
Proposal: Day of the month on which each installment will be due
Proposal: Days between each installment
Proposal: Payment method
Proposal: First payment date
Proposal: Day of the month on which each installment will be due
Proposal: Discount type
Proposal: Discount value
Proposal duration (MRR)
Proposal: Introduction
Proposal: Notes
Proposal: Name of the item
Proposal: Item code
Proposal: Quantity of the item
Proposal: Item value
Create or update contact
create or update a contact on PipeRunAction
Person: Name Required
Person: Email Required
Person: CPF
Person: Phone
Person: Position
Company: Name
Company: Company Name
Person: Observation
Person: Public place
Person: Address number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: City
Person: State (UF)
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Select Responsible CS
Company: CNPJ
Type of Company
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: State Registration
Company: Segment
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Company: Modelo Touch
Company: Observation
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Capital Social
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Automate PipeRun and Shopify
with Pluga integrationsExplore automation templates
For each refunded order on Shopify, add an opportunity on PipeRun
EXPLOREFor each refunded order on Shopify, add an opportunity on PipeRun
EXPLOREFor each nullified/refunded payment order on Shopify, add an opportunity on PipeRun
EXPLOREFor each created order on Shopify, create or update a contact on PipeRun
EXPLOREMiss an automation with this apps?
Say to us!How to integrate apps with Pluga?
Pluga allows you to integrate two or more apps in a simple, practical way without needing to type a single line of code. Here are the steps to automate your tasks and start focusing on what really matters.
Integrate PipeRun + Shopify
and say goodbye to manual (and tedious) tasks!
By connecting the apps you use through Pluga, you can automate various processes in your routine and have time for tasks that really matter. PipeRun
CRMPipeRun is a CRM solution that helps businesses manage contacts, leads, sales opportunities, and improve the efficiency of sales teams.
Integrations with PipeRun Visit PipeRunShopify
EcommerceShopify is one of the world's largest e-commerce platforms. With it, you can create and manage online stores, process payments, manage inventory, analyze sales, and expand your business.
Integrations with Shopify Visit Shopify