Connect Olist ERP (Tiny ERP) with PipeRun
Unlock the superpowers of Olist ERP (Tiny ERP) + PipeRun and automate your tasks without having to write a single line of code.
Olist ERP (Tiny ERP) and PipeRun
your way
Check out the available triggers and actions in the automation of apps Olist ERP (Tiny ERP) + PipeRun
Included new order
For each new order added on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Trigger
Identification number
Order number
Request Date
Forecast date
Description of payment condition
Form of payment
Payment method
Number of installments
Carrier name
Responsible for shipping
Shipping method
Cost of shipping
Total amount of products
Purchase order number
Seller identification number
Internal observation
Order tracking code
Order tracking URL
Identifier of the invoice referenced by the sale
Name of the deposit linked by the sale
Order status
Total amount
Total amount (comma separated)
ecommerce order number
Order markers (Description)
Order installments
Order item list
Order seller name
Name of the e-commerce
Order number in e-commerce
Description of the sales channel linked to e-commerce
Customer code
Customer name
Customer's trade name
Customer person type
Customer CPF or CNPJ
Customer state registration
Customer ID
Customer address
Customer address number
Customer address complement
Customer neighborhood
Customer Zip Code
Customer city
Customer UF
Customer phone
Customer email
Name of delivery recipient
Type of delivery person
CPF or CNPJ for delivery
Delivery address
Delivery address number
Delivery address complement
Delivery neighborhood
Delivery Zip Code
Delivery city
UF delivery
Delivery phone
Summary of items (Description - Quantity). Separated by semicolons.
Summary of items (Description - Quantity). Separated by semicolons.
Resumo dos itens (Descrição - Quantidade). Separado por vírgula
Resumo dos itens (Descrição - SKU - Quantidade). Separado por vírgula
Description of items separated by commas
Quantity of items separated by comma
Unit amount of items separated by commas
Comma-separated item SKUs
Achieved status
When an order reaches a certain status on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Trigger
Identification number
Sales order number in Tiny
Date of sale
Expected delivery date
Payment terms
Method of receipt
Payment method
Number of installments
Carrier name
Responsible for shipping
Shipping method
Cost of shipping
Total amount of products
Sale details: Order number
Seller identification number
Internal observation
Order tracking code
Order tracking URL
Identifier of the invoice referenced by the sale
Name of the deposit linked to the sale
Order status
Total amount
Total amount (comma separated)
ecommerce order number
Order markers (Description)
Order installments
Order item list
Seller's name
Nome do ecommerce
Código do pedido do ecommerce
Descrição do canal de venda do ecommerce
Customer code
Customer name
Customer's trade name
Customer person type
Customer CPF/CNPJ
Customer state registration
Customer ID
Customer address
Customer address number
Customer address complement
Customer address neighborhood
Customer address Zip Code
City of customer address
UF of the customer's address
Customer phone
Customer email
Name of delivery recipient
Type of delivery person
Delivery CPF/CNPJ
Delivery address
Delivery address number
Delivery address complement
Delivery address neighborhood
Delivery address Zip Code
City of delivery address
State of delivery address
Delivery phone
Summary of items (Description - Quantity). Separated by semicolon
Summary of items (Description - Quantity - Amount). Separated by comma
Summary of items (Description - Quantity). Separated by comma
Resumo dos itens (Descrição - SKU - Quantidade). Separado por ponto e vírgula
Description of items separated by commas
Quantity of items separated by comma
Unit amount of items separated by commas
Comma-separated item SKUs
Moved opportunity
When an opportunity reaches a certain funnel stage on PipeRunTrigger
Opportunity ID
Opportunity title
Reason for loss
Opportunity owner’s email
Name of opportunity owner
Creation date
Moved in
Closing date
Recurring Amount (MRR)
Company: ID
Company: Name
Company: CNPJ
Person: ID
Person: Name
Person: Email
Person: Phone
Person: CPF
Company: Social Name
Deal stage
Origin of the opportunity
Person: Position
Person: Birthday
Person: Public place
Person: Address Number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: UF
Person: City
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Company: State Registration
Company: Company Type
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address Number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: UF
Company: City
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Empresa: Status Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Share Capital
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Last proposal: Amount
Last proposal: Introduction
Last proposal: Observation
Last proposal: URL
Latest proposal: Creation date
Last proposal: Update date
Last proposal: Due date
Latest proposal: MRR due date
Last proposal: Number of installments
Last proposal: Number of installments (MRR)
Last proposal: Interval between installments
Latest proposal: Deadline for the first installment
Last proposal: Currency name
Latest proposal: Country of currency
Latest proposal: Currency symbol
Last proposal: Shipping Amount
Last proposal: Total amount of items added without discounts
Last proposal: Total amount of the item discount
Last proposal: Name, amount and quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: comma-separated item names
Last proposal: amount of items separated by comma
Last proposal: quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: code for items separated by commas
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: name
Last proposal: Purchase order
Emails of people and contact separated by comma
Official carrier name
Carrier name
CNPJ of the carrier
Carrier Zip Code
Carrier address
Carrier address number
Carrier address supplement
Download attachment links
For each created contact
For each created contact on PipeRunTrigger
Contact: ID
Contact: Name
Contact: Address
Contact: Address number
Contact: Address Complement
Contact: District
Contact: Postal code
Contact: Website
Contact: Status
Contact: Created at
Contact: Email
Contact: Telephone
Contact: Email for invoice [only legal person]
Contact: CPF
Contact: CNPJ
Contact: State registration [only legal person]
Unpaid account will expire
For each new due account pay on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Trigger
Identification number
Date of issue
Due date
Document number
Supplier code
Provider's name
Supplier person type
Supplier's CPF or CNPJ
Supplier state registration
Supplier ID
Supplier address
Supplier address number
Supplier address supplement
Supplier neighborhood
Supplier Zip Code
Supplier city
Supplier UF
Supplier country
Supplier phone number
Supplier email
Type of occurrence
Due date
Number of plots
Added receivable account
For each added accounts receivable on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Trigger
Account receivable: ID
Account receivable: Issue date
Account receivable: Due date
Account receivable: Amount
Account receivable: Document number
Account receivable: Document series
Account receivable: Bank number
Account receivable: Competence
Customer: Code
Customer: Name
Customer: Type of person (in the format: 'F', 'J', or 'E')
Customer: Type of person in full (in the format: Individual, Legal Entity, Foreigner)
Customer: CPF or CNPJ
Customer: State registration
Customer: RG
Customer: Address
Customer: Address number
Customer: Address complement
Customer: Neighborhood
Customer: Zip Code
Customer: City
Customer: UF
Customer: Country
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Email
Account receivable: History
Account receivable: Category
Account receivable: Payment method
Account receivable: Payment method
Account receivable: Status
Account receivable: Occurrence (in the format: 'U', 'P', 'W', 'M', 'T', 'S', 'A')
Account receivable: Occurrence in words (in the format: 'Single', 'Instalments', 'Weekly', 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Six-monthly', 'Annual')
Account receivable: Due date
Account receivable: Number of installments
Account receivable: Day of the week when the weekly installment is due
Account receivable: Account receivable balance
Opportunity created
For each added opportunity on PipeRunTrigger
Opportunity ID
Opportunity title
Reason for loss
Opportunity owner’s email
Name of opportunity owner
Creation date
Closing date
Recurring Amount (MRR)
Company: ID
Company: Name
Company: CNPJ
Person: ID
Person: Name
Person: Email
Person: Phone
Person: CPF
Company: Social Name
Deal stage
Origin of the opportunity
Person: Position
Person: Birthday
Person: Public place
Person: Address Number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: City
Person: UF
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Company: State Registration
Company: Company Type
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address Number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: UF
Company: City
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Empresa: Status Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Share Capital
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Last proposal: Amount
Last proposal: Introduction
Last proposal: Observation
Last proposal: URL
Latest proposal: Creation date
Last proposal: Update date
Last proposal: Due date
Latest proposal: MRR due date
Last proposal: Number of installments
Last proposal: Number of installments (MRR)
Last proposal: Interval between installments
Latest proposal: Deadline for the first installment
Last proposal: Currency name
Latest proposal: Country of currency
Latest proposal: Currency symbol
Last proposal: Shipping Amount
Last proposal: Total amount of items added without discounts
Last proposal: Total amount of the item discount
Last proposal: Name, amount and quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: comma-separated item names
Last proposal: amount of items separated by comma
Last proposal: quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: code for items separated by commas
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: name
Last proposal: Purchase order
Emails of people and contact separated by comma
Official carrier name
Carrier name
CNPJ of the carrier
Carrier Zip Code
Carrier address
Carrier address number
Carrier address supplement
Download attachment links
Included new customer or supplier
When a new customer or supplier is included on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Trigger
Identification number
Name or company name
Kind of person
Date of birth
Fancy name
State registration
Municipal registration
Cell phone
Address number
Address complement
Contact email
Creation date
Observations about contact
Won opportunity
For each won opportunity on PipeRunTrigger
Opportunity ID
Title the opportunity
Opportunity owner email
Name of opportunity owner
Opportunity creation date
Closing date
Recurring Amount (MRR)
Company: ID
Company: Name
Company: CNPJ
Person: ID
Person: Name
Person: Email
Person: Phone
Person: CPF
Company: Social Name
Deal stage
Origin of the opportunity
Person: Position
Person: Birthday
Person: Public place
Person: Address Number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: UF
Person: City
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Company: State Registration
Company: Company Type
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address Number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: UF
Company: City
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Empresa: Status Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Share Capital
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Last proposal: Amount
Last proposal: Introduction
Last proposal: Observation
Last proposal: Url
Latest proposal: Creation date
Last proposal: Update date
Last proposal: Due date
Latest proposal: MRR due date
Last proposal: Number of installments
Last proposal: Number of installments (MRR)
Last proposal: Interval between installments
Latest proposal: Deadline for the first installment
Last proposal: Currency name
Latest proposal: Country of currency
Latest proposal: Currency symbol
Last proposal: Shipping Amount
Last proposal: Total amount of items added without discounts
Last proposal: Total amount of the item discount
Last proposal: Total discount amount
Last proposal: Name, amount and quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: comma-separated item names
Last proposal: amount of items separated by comma
Last proposal: quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: code for items separated by commas
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: name
Last proposal: Purchase order
Emails of people and contact separated by comma
Official carrier name
Carrier name
CNPJ of the carrier
Carrier Zip Code
Carrier address
Carrier address number
Carrier address supplement
Download attachment links
Opportunity lost
For each lost opportunity on PipeRunTrigger
Opportunity ID
Opportunity title
Reason for loss
Opportunity owner’s email
Name of opportunity owner
Creation date
Closing date
Recurring Amount (MRR)
Company: ID
Company: Name
Company: CNPJ
Person: ID
Person: Name
Person: Email
Person: Phone
Person: CPF
Company: Social Name
Deal stage
Origin of the opportunity
Person: Position
Person: Birthday
Person: Public place
Person: Address Number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: UF
Person: City
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Company: State Registration
Company: Company Type
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address Number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: UF
Company: City
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Empresa: Status Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Share Capital
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Last proposal: Amount
Last proposal: Introduction
Last proposal: Observation
Last proposal: Url
Latest proposal: Creation date
Last proposal: Update date
Last proposal: Due date
Latest proposal: MRR due date
Last proposal: Number of installments
Last proposal: Number of installments (MRR)
Last proposal: Interval between installments
Latest proposal: Deadline for the first installment
Last proposal: Currency name
Latest proposal: Country of currency
Latest proposal: Currency symbol
Last proposal: Shipping Amount
Last proposal: Total amount of items added without discounts
Last proposal: Total amount of the item discount
Last proposal: Name, amount and quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: comma-separated item names
Last proposal: amount of items separated by comma
Last proposal: quantity of items separated by commas
Last proposal: code for items separated by commas
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: expected delivery date
Last proposal: name
Last proposal: Purchase order
Emails of people and contact separated by comma
Official carrier name
Carrier name
CNPJ of the carrier
Carrier Zip Code
Carrier address
Carrier address number
Carrier address supplement
Download attachment links
Include or update customer/vendor
include or update a customer/supplier on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Action
Type Required
Name or business name of the Contact Required
Situation Required
Fantasy name
Kind of person
Nome fantasia do cliente
Código do contato
Legal Entity: state registration
Legal Entity: municipal registration
Type of deal
Address number
Address complement
Zip Code
Foreign: Country
Billing address
Billing address number
Address billing add-on
Billing district
Billing Zip Code
Billing city
Billing UF
Contact phone
Contact cell phone
Contact email
Email to send nfe
Web site
Legal Entity: Tax regime code
Individual and Foreigner in Brazil: Marital status
Individual and Foreigner in Brazil: Profession
Individual and Foreigner in Brazil: Sex
Individual and Foreigner in Brazil: Date of birth
Individual and Foreigner in Brazil: Birthplace
Individual and Foreigner in Brazil: Father’s name
Individual and Foreigner in Brazil: Father's CPF
Individual and Foreigner in Brazil: Mother’s name
Individual and Foreigner in Brazil: Mother's CPF
Credit limit
General observations
Add NFS-e
add an NFS-e on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Action
customer name Required
customer cpf/cnpj
customer address
customer address number
add the customer's address
neighborhood of the customer's address
customer address Zip Code
city of customer address
uf of customer address
customer phone
customer email
service description Required
service amount Required
Deduct ISS (ISS Withheld) Required
Create or update contact
create or update a contact on PipeRunAction
Person: Name Required
Person: Email Required
Person: CPF
Person: Phone
Person: Position
Company: Name
Company: Company Name
Person: Observation
Person: Public place
Person: Address number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: City
Person: State (UF)
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Select Responsible CS
Company: CNPJ
Type of Company
Company: Telephone
Company: Email
Company: State Registration
Company: Segment
Company: Company Status
Company: Company Status
Company: Modelo Touch
Company: Observation
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Capital Social
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Include accounts receivable
include an account receivable on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Action
Due date Required
Amount Required
Mark bill as received
Date of issue
Document number
Customer name Required
Customer person type
Customer CPF or CNPJ
Customer state registration
Customer ID
Customer address
Customer address number
Customer address complement
Customer neighborhood
Customer Zip Code
Customer city
Customer UF
Customer country
Customer phone
Customer email
Category selection mode
Method of receipt
Type of occurrence
Due date
Number of installments
Create sales order (single item)
create a sales order on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Action Premium
Order date
Order predicted date
Customer name Required
Item Description Required
Item code
Item unit Required
Item Quantity Required
Item unit price Required
Item type Required
Item origin Required
Installment period
Número de parcelas
Gap between installments
Forma de recebimento das parcelas do pedido.
Customer person type
Nome fantasia do cliente
Customer CPF or CNPJ
Código do cliente
Customer state registration
Customer address
Customer address number
Customer address complement
Customer neighborhood
Customer Zip Code
Customer city
Customer UF
Customer country
Customer phone
Customer email
Order markers
How to receive the order
Payment method
Lista de preços do pedido
Carrier name
Shipping on account
Cost of shipping
Shipping method
Shipping method
Discount amount
Other expenses
Purchase order number
Order observation
Internal order observation
Order status
Seller selection method
Order seller
Order seller
Order identification number in e-commerce
Platform sending the order
Name of the intermediary
CNPJ of the transaction intermediary
CNPJ of the intermediary's payment institution
Name of the nature of operation
Include accounts payable
include an account payable on Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)Action
Maturity Required
Amount Required
Date of issue
Document number
Provider's name Required
Supplier person type
Supplier's CPF or CNPJ
Código do fornecedor
Supplier state registration
Supplier ID
Supplier address
Supplier address number
Supplier address supplement
Supplier neighborhood
Supplier Zip Code
Supplier city
Supplier UF
Supplier country
Supplier phone number
Supplier email
Category selection mode
Type of occurrence
Due date
Number of installments
Create deal (single item)
add or update an opportunity on PipeRunAction
Distribute new deal
Select sellers
Opportunity owner’s email
Deal owner update logic
Deal stage update logic
Reopen closed deals
Opportunity title Required
Opportunity Tags
Origin: Type
Origin name
Reason for closing the deal
Persons name Required
Person's email Required
Deal amount
Recurring Amount
Person's Telephone
Company Name
Company's Corporate Name
Reason for loss
Opportunity closing forecast
Person: Position
Person: Public place
Person: Address number
Person: Zip Code
Person: Address Complement
Person: Neighborhood
Person: City
Person: State (UF)
Person: Website
Person: Facebook
Person: LinkedIn
Person's CPF
Company: State Registration
Type of Company
Company Telephone
Company Email
Company CNPJ
Company: Logradouro
Company: Address number
Company: Zip Code
Company: Address Complement
Company: Neighborhood
Company Status
Company Status
Company: Modelo Touch
Company: C-Sat/NPS Score
Company: Date of foundation
Company: Email to send the invoice
Company: Capital Social
Company: Website
Company: Facebook
Company: LinkedIn
Create proposal
Proposal: Proposal type
Proposal: Template
Proposal: Expiration date
Proposal: Item type
Proposal: Payment method
Proposal: Number of installments
Proposal: First payment date
Proposal: Down payment percentage
Proposal: Days between down payment and first installment
Proposal: Day of the month on which each installment will be due
Proposal: Days between each installment
Proposal: Payment method
Proposal: First payment date
Proposal: Day of the month on which each installment will be due
Proposal: Discount type
Proposal: Discount value
Proposal duration (MRR)
Proposal: Introduction
Proposal: Notes
Proposal: Name of the item
Proposal: Item code
Proposal: Quantity of the item
Proposal: Item value
Didn't find your use case? Send suggestion.
Automate Olist ERP (Tiny ERP) and PipeRun
with Pluga integrationsExplore automation templates
For each won opportunity on PipeRun, include an account receivable on TinyERP
EXPLOREFor each won opportunity on PipeRun, include or update a customer/supplier on TinyERP
EXPLOREFor each won opportunity on PipeRun, add an NFS-e on TinyERP
EXPLOREWhen an opportunity reaches a certain funnel stage on PipeRun, create a sales order on TinyERP
EXPLOREFor each won opportunity on PipeRun, create a sales order on TinyERP
EXPLOREFor each added accounts receivable on TinyERP, add an opportunity on PipeRun
EXPLOREFor each created contact on PipeRun, include or update a customer/supplier on TinyERP
EXPLOREMiss an automation with this apps?
Say to us!How to integrate apps with Pluga?
Pluga allows you to integrate two or more apps in a simple, practical way without needing to type a single line of code. Here are the steps to automate your tasks and start focusing on what really matters.
Automate Olist ERP (Tiny ERP) + PipeRun
and say goodbye to manual (and tedious) tasks!
By connecting the apps you use through Pluga, you can automate various processes in your routine and have time for tasks that really matter. Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)
ERPOlist ERP is an ideal management system for micro or small businesses due to its modularity and intuitiveness. It enables automation of sales, invoice issuance, and efficient management of products, listings, and inventory.
Integrations with Olist ERP (Tiny ERP) Visit Olist ERP (Tiny ERP)PipeRun
CRMPipeRun is a CRM solution that helps businesses manage contacts, leads, sales opportunities, and improve the efficiency of sales teams.
Integrations with PipeRun Visit PipeRun