Automate Vindi Recorrência with Microsoft Outlook
Unlock the superpowers of Vindi Recorrência + Microsoft Outlook and automate your tasks without having to write a single line of code.
Vindi Recorrência and Microsoft Outlook
your way
Check out the available triggers and actions in the automation of apps Vindi Recorrência + Microsoft Outlook
Charge refunded
For each reversed billing on Vindi RecorrênciaTrigger
billing id
expiration date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
email customer
customer name
total amount
total amount (text)
created in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
created on (DD/MM/YYYY)
created in (H:M:S)
created in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
updated in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
updated on (DD/MM/YYYY)
updated in (H:M:S)
updated in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
Payment method
paid in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
paid in (DD/MM/YYYY)
paid in (H:M:S)
paid in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
customer id
id and invoice
plan name
payment method name
Customer CPF/CNPJ
customer status
External code
mobile customer
landline customer
customer address Zip Code
customer street address
customer address number
customer address neighborhood
customer address city
customer address state
customer country address
customer add-on address
Created subscription
For each subscription created on Vindi RecorrênciaTrigger
subscription id
start date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
start day (formatted - DD)
end date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
date of next invoice (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
cancellation date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
Maximum number of subscription periods
late since (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
plan id
plan name
Plan code upon subscription
products name
products description
email customer
customer name
total discount amount
total amount
Payment method
created in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
created on (DD/MM/YYYY)
created in (H:M:S)
created in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
updated in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
updated on (DD/MM/YYYY)
updated in (H:M:S)
updated in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
billing date current period (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
start date of the current period (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
end date of the current period (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
customer id
Customer CPF/CNPJ
External code
customer status
mobile customer
landline customer
customer address Zip Code
customer street address
customer address number
customer address neighborhood
customer address city
customer address state
customer country address
customer add-on address
New email received in a folder
For each new received email in a Microsoft Outlook folderTrigger
Creation date
Receipt date
Date the email was sent
Email Preview
Email link
Content (text without HTML)
Sender's name
Sender's email
Recipients' names
Recipients' emails
Recipients' names and emails
Recipients' names in copy
Copied recipient emails
Recipients' names and emails in copy
Blind carbon copy recipient names
Blind copy recipient emails
Names and Emails of blind carbon copy recipients
Charge declined
For each declined billing on Vindi RecorrênciaTrigger
billing id
expiration date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
email customer
customer name
total amount
total amount (text)
created in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
created on (DD/MM/YYYY)
created in (H:M:S)
created in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
updated in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
updated on (DD/MM/YYYY)
updated in (H:M:S)
updated in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
Payment method
paid in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
paid in (DD/MM/YYYY)
paid in (H:M:S)
paid in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
customer id
id and invoice
plan name
payment method name
Customer CPF/CNPJ
External code
customer status
mobile customer
landline customer
customer address Zip Code
customer street address
customer address number
customer address neighborhood
customer address city
customer address state
customer country address
customer add-on address
Approved invoice
For each approved invoice on Vindi RecorrênciaTrigger
invoice id
expiration date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
expiration date - charges (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
invoice url
email customer
customer name
total amount
total amount (text)
total amount paid of charges
created in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
created on (DD/MM/YYYY)
created on (day - DD)
created in (H:M:S)
created in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
updated in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
updated on (DD/MM/YYYY)
updated in (H:M:S)
updated in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
paid in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
paid in (DD/MM/YYYY)
paid in (H:M:S)
paid in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
customer id
Payment method
Payment company code
items name
items description
Total discount amount of items (Positive)
Amount of items separated by comma
Formatted amount of items separated by comma
creation date of the item pricing scheme
charges information
charges: gateway authorization
charges: gateway response fields
cobranças: NSUs (separados por vírgula)
subscription id
plan id on subscription
plan name on subscription
Plan code upon subscription
Customer CPF/CNPJ
External code
customer status
mobile customer
landline customer
customer address Zip Code
customer street address
customer address number
customer address neighborhood
customer address city
customer address state
customer country address
customer add-on address
Fiscal Note: Id
Invoice: External integration code
Invoice: Number or reference at the government institution
Tax Note: Amount
Nota Fiscal: Status
Invoice: URL
Invoice: Description
Invoice: Date and time of issue
Invoice: Competence date
Invoice: Date and time of appointment
Invoice: Date and time of generation
Invoice: Date and time of last update
Period Cycle
Fim do período contratado
Metadata summary
Metadata amounts
New email with attachment(s)
For every new email with attachment(s) received in Microsoft OutlookTrigger Premium
Creation date
Receipt date
Sent date
Email preview
Email link
Content (Text withou HTML)
Sender's name
Sender's email
Recipients' names
Recipients' emails
Names and Emails of the recipients
CC recipients' names
CC recipients' emails
CC recipients' names and emails
BCC recipients' names
BCC recipients' emails
BCC recipients' names and emails
Link to single file or zipped files
Name of the file that contains all the zipped email attachments
Canceled subscription
For each subscription canceled on Vindi RecorrênciaTrigger
subscription id
start date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
end date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
date of next invoice (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
cancellation date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
Maximum number of subscription periods
late since (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
plan id
plan name
Plan code upon subscription
products name
products description
email customer
customer name
total amount
Payment method
created in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
created on (DD/MM/YYYY)
created in (H:M:S)
created in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
updated in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
updated on (DD/MM/YYYY)
updated in (H:M:S)
updated in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
billing date current period (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
start date of the current period (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
end date of the current period (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
customer id
Customer CPF/CNPJ
External code
customer status
mobile customer
landline customer
customer address Zip Code
customer street address
customer address number
customer address neighborhood
customer address city
customer address state
customer country address
customer add-on address
Created invoice
For each created invoice on Vindi RecorrênciaTrigger
id and invoice
expiration date (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
expiration date - charges (formatted - DD/MM/YYYY)
invoice url
email customer
customer name
total amount
total amount (text)
created in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
created on (DD/MM/YYYY)
created on (day - DD)
created in (H:M:S)
created in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
updated in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
updated on (DD/MM/YYYY)
updated in (H:M:S)
updated in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
paid in (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss-Z)
paid in (DD/MM/YYYY)
paid in (H:M:S)
paid in (DD/MM/YYYY - H:M:S)
customer id
Payment method
items name
items description
Valor total do desconto dos itens (Positivo)
Valor dos items separado por vírgula
Valor formatado dos items separado por vírgula
data de criação do esquema de precificação dos items
charges information
charges: gateway authorization
charges: gateway response fields
subscription id
plan id on subscription
plan name on subscription
Plan code upon subscription
Customer CPF/CNPJ
External code
customer status
mobile customer
landline customer
customer address Zip Code
customer street address
customer address number
customer address neighborhood
customer address city
customer address state
customer country address
customer add-on address
Create customer
create a customer on Vindi RecorrênciaAction
name Required
cell phone
External code
Zip Code address
address street
address number
full address
address neighborhood
city address
state address
country address
Create email
send an email through Microsoft OutlookAction
Recipient's Email Required
Subject Required
Message Type Required
Message Required
Create subscription
create a subscription on Vindi RecorrênciaAction
customer name Required
email customer
Subscription start date
Payment method Required
Plan selection form
Plan interval count
Plan billing cycles
plan billing trigger type
billing trigger day
plan code
plan description
plan item name
plan item price
plan item code
plan item description
plan item unit of measurement
cell phone
Update customer based on
Customer Code
Zip Code address
address street
address number
full address
address neighborhood
city address
state address
country address
Create invoice
Create invoice on Vindi RecorrênciaAction
Update customers
Customer: Name Required
Customer: Email
Customer: CPF/CNPJ
Invoice: Payment method Required
Invoice: Due date
Item: Name Required
Item price Required
Item: Quantity
Item: Code
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Cellphone
Customer: Code
Customer: Zip code
Customer: Street
Customer: Address number
Customer: Address complement
Customer: Neighborhood
Customer: City
Customer: State
Customer: Country
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Automate Vindi Recorrência and Microsoft Outlook
with Pluga integrationsExplore automation templates
For each subscription canceled on Vindi Recorrência, send an email through Microsoft Outlook
EXPLOREFor each subscription created on Vindi Recorrência, send an email through Microsoft Outlook
EXPLOREFor each reversed billing on Vindi Recorrência, send an email through Microsoft Outlook
EXPLOREFor each declined billing on Vindi Recorrência, send an email through Microsoft Outlook
EXPLOREFor each approved invoice on Vindi Recorrência, send an email through Microsoft Outlook
EXPLOREFor each created invoice on Vindi Recorrência, send an email through Microsoft Outlook
EXPLOREFor each new received email in a Microsoft Outlook folder, create a customer on Vindi Recorrência
EXPLOREMiss an automation with this apps?
Say to us!How to integrate apps with Pluga?
Pluga allows you to integrate two or more apps in a simple, practical way without needing to type a single line of code. Here are the steps to automate your tasks and start focusing on what really matters.
Automate Vindi Recorrência + Microsoft Outlook
and say goodbye to manual (and tedious) tasks!
By connecting the apps you use through Pluga, you can automate various processes in your routine and have time for tasks that really matter. Vindi Recorrência
PaymentVindi Recorrência is a payment management platform that helps businesses automate billing, manage subscriptions, default control, and improve financial management.
Integrations with Vindi Recorrência Visit Vindi RecorrênciaMicrosoft Outlook
EmailMicrosoft Outlook is a Microsoft email service and one of the most popular in the world. It allows sending and receiving emails, managing contacts, calendars, and tasks.
Integrations with Microsoft Outlook Visit Microsoft Outlook