Automate Meets with Zendesk
Unlock the superpowers of Meets + Zendesk and automate your tasks without having to write a single line of code.
Meets and Zendesk
your way
Check out the available triggers and actions in the automation of apps Meets + Zendesk
Won opportunity
For each conquered opportunity on MeetsTrigger
Opportunity ID
Opportunity status
Opportunity registration date
Description of the opportunity
Opportunity stage ID
Opportunity stage
Opportunity Pipeline ID
Opportunity pipeline
User ID responsible for the opportunity
Name of the user responsible for the opportunity
Reason for missing the opportunity
Opportunity loss reason ID
Total amount
Customer ID
Customer's area of activity
Customer origin
Address neighborhood
Customer cell phone
Address: Zip Code
Address: City
Customer name
Company CNPJ
Customer CPF
Customer email
Customer phone
Customer Address
Address: Number
Full address
Kind of person
Address: UF
Created opportunity
For each created opportunity on MeetsTrigger
Opportunity status
Opportunity registration date
Description of the opportunity
Opportunity stage ID
Opportunity stage
Opportunity Pipeline ID
Opportunity pipeline
User ID responsible for the opportunity
Reason for missing the opportunity
Opportunity loss reason ID
Total amount
Customer ID
Customer's area of activity
Customer origin
Address neighborhood
Customer cell phone
Address: Zip Code
Address: City
Customer name
Company CNPJ
Customer CPF
Customer email
Customer phone
Customer Address
Address: Number
Full address
Kind of person
Address: UF
Opportunity reaches stage in the sales pipeline
When an opportunity reaches a certain funnel stage on MeetsTrigger
Opportunity status
Opportunity registration date
Description of the opportunity
Opportunity stage
Opportunity Pipeline ID
Opportunity pipeline
User ID responsible for the opportunity
Name of the user responsible for the opportunity
Reason for missing the opportunity
Opportunity loss reason ID
Total amount
Customer ID
Customer's area of activity
Customer origin
Address neighborhood
Customer cell phone
Address: Zip Code
Address: City
Customer name
Company CNPJ
Customer CPF
Customer email
Customer phone
Customer Address
Address: Number
Full address
Kind of person
Address: UF
New created user
For each new user created on ZendeskTrigger
User Tags
Creation date/time
User organization
Lost opportunity
For each lost opportunity on MeetsTrigger
Opportunity status
Opportunity registration date
Description of the opportunity
Opportunity stage ID
Opportunity stage
Opportunity Pipeline ID
Opportunity pipeline
User ID responsible for the opportunity
Name of the user responsible for the opportunity
Reason for missing the opportunity
Opportunity loss reason ID
Total amount
Customer ID
Customer's area of activity
Customer origin
Address neighborhood
Customer cell phone
Address: Zip Code
Address: City
Customer name
Company CNPJ
Customer CPF
Customer email
Customer phone
Customer Address
Address: Number
Full address
Kind of person
Address: UF
Ticket inserted into a view
When a new ticket is inserted in a certain view on ZendeskTrigger
Creation date
Creation time
Requestor Name
Applicant Email
Requesting telephone number
Requesting Location
Name Organization
Name of assignee
Add or update opportunity
register an opportunity on MeetsAction
Opportunity Title Required
Opportunity Tag/Status
Responsible Required
Name/Corporate Name
Kind of person Required
Cell phone
Occupation area
Create ticket
create a ticket on ZendeskAction
subject Required
Applicant's name Required
Requestor's email Required
Applicant's telephone number
description Required
Ticket Tags
Select type
Select priority
Select status
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Automate Meets and Zendesk
with Pluga integrationsExplore automation templates
How to integrate apps with Pluga?
Pluga allows you to integrate two or more apps in a simple, practical way without needing to type a single line of code. Here are the steps to automate your tasks and start focusing on what really matters.
Automate Meets + Zendesk
and say goodbye to manual (and tedious) tasks!
By connecting the apps you use through Pluga, you can automate various processes in your routine and have time for tasks that really matter. Meets
CRMMeets is a CRM platform designed to simplify and streamline contact management. The app allows you to visualize your entire sales process, tracking the right activities to be performed.
Integrations with Meets Visit MeetsZendesk
SupportZendesk is a customer support and service platform. This app provides features to manage support tickets, offer multichannel support, automate responses, and analyze support performance.
Integrations with Zendesk Visit Zendesk