Automate Todoist with MercadoPago
Unlock the superpowers of Todoist + MercadoPago and automate your tasks without having to write a single line of code.
Todoist and MercadoPago
your way
Check out the available triggers and actions in the automation of apps Todoist + MercadoPago
Completed task
For each completed task on TodoistTrigger
Task title
Due date
Creation date
Hang tags
Task type (Main task or Subtask)
Title of the main task (if it is a subtask linked to a main task)
Task creator name
Task creator email
Name of the person responsible for the task
Email of the person responsible for the task
Completed in
Cancelled payment
For each cancelled payment on MercadoPagoTrigger
payment id
payment creation date
payment approval date
payment update date
payment release date
payment creation date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment approval date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment update date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment release date in DD/MM/YYYY
seller code
operation type
free market - buyer first name
free market - buyer last name
free market - nickname buyer
free market - document number
free market - standard document
email do usuário
typical buyer
buyer id
buyer address Zip Code
buyer street address
buyer address number
buyer email
buyer document type
buyer document number
DDD phone buyer
buyer phone number
extension phone buyer
buyer name
buyer surname
binary mode
live mode
type request
request id
external id
transaction amount
transaction amount (formatted in R$)
sales management cost
sales fee
Financing Rates
Sum of sales fees
Shipping fee
transaction amount withdrawn
coupon amount
campaign id
coupon code
transaction details financing entity id
transaction details amount received by seller
transaction details amount received by the seller (formatted in R$)
transaction id
transaction details amount paid by customer
transaction details total installment amount
transaction details exceeded amount paid
transaction details source url identifier
transaction details reference id
financing entity schema id
status detail
status captured
bank identifier
payment method id
issuer id
type of payment method
id card
card last 4 digits
card first 6 digits
expiry year card
month due card
creation date card
card last updated date
card owner name
owner card formatted name
card owner number
owner card document type
additional information: generated barcode
source descriptor
number of installments
notification url
additional buyer information customer's first name
additional information buyer last name of customer
additional information buyer phone area code
additional information buyer phone number
additional buyer information Zip Code
additional buyer information street name
additional buyer information street number
additional buyer information customer registration date
additional buyer information customer Zip Code
additional information buyer street name of customer
additional information buyer customer street number
additional buyer information customer address complement
additional information buyer department customer address
additional information description of items separated by commas
additional information item titles separated by commas
additional information total amount of items
details of shipping charges
Declined payment
For each declined payment on MercadoPagoTrigger
payment id
payment creation date
payment approval date
payment update date
payment release date
payment creation date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment approval date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment update date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment release date in DD/MM/YYYY
seller code
operation type
free market - buyer first name
free market - buyer last name
free market - nickname buyer
free market - document number
free market - standard document
email do usuário
typical buyer
buyer id
buyer address Zip Code
buyer street address
buyer address number
buyer email
buyer document type
buyer document number
DDD phone buyer
buyer phone number
extension phone buyer
buyer name
buyer surname
binary mode
live mode
type request
request id
external id
transaction amount
transaction amount (formatted in R$)
sales management cost
sales fee
Financing Rates
Sum of sales fees
Shipping fee
transaction amount withdrawn
coupon amount
campaign id
coupon code
transaction details financing entity id
transaction details amount received by seller
transaction details amount received by the seller (formatted in R$)
transaction id
transaction details amount paid by customer
transaction details total installment amount
transaction details exceeded amount paid
transaction details source url identifier
transaction details reference id
financing entity schema id
status detail
status captured
bank identifier
payment method id
issuer id
type of payment method
id card
card last 4 digits
card first 6 digits
expiry year card
month due card
creation date card
card last updated date
card owner name
owner card formatted name
card owner number
owner card document type
additional information: generated barcode
source descriptor
number of installments
notification url
additional buyer information customer's first name
additional information buyer last name of customer
additional information buyer phone area code
additional information buyer phone number
additional buyer information Zip Code
additional buyer information street name
additional buyer information street number
additional buyer information customer registration date
additional buyer information customer Zip Code
additional information buyer street name of customer
additional information buyer customer street number
additional buyer information customer address complement
additional information buyer department customer address
additional information description of items separated by commas
additional information item titles separated by commas
additional information total amount of items
details of shipping charges
Created task
For each created task on TodoistTrigger
Task title
Due date
Creation date
Hang tags
Task type (Main task or Subtask)
Title of the main task (if it is a subtask linked to a main task)
Task creator name
Task creator email
Name of the person responsible for the task
Email of the person responsible for the task
Issued chargeback
For each chargeback on MercadoPagoTrigger
payment id
payment creation date
payment approval date
payment update date
payment release date
payment creation date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment approval date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment update date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment release date in DD/MM/YYYY
seller code
operation type
free market - buyer first name
free market - buyer last name
free market - nickname buyer
free market - document number
free market - standard document
email do usuário
typical buyer
buyer id
buyer address Zip Code
buyer street address
buyer address number
buyer email
buyer document type
buyer document number
DDD phone buyer
buyer phone number
extension phone buyer
buyer name
buyer surname
binary mode
live mode
type request
request id
external id
transaction amount
transaction amount (formatted in R$)
sales management cost
sales fee
Financing Rates
Sum of sales fees
Shipping fee
transaction amount withdrawn
coupon amount
campaign id
coupon code
transaction details financing entity id
transaction details amount received by seller
transaction details amount received by the seller (formatted in R$)
transaction id
transaction details amount paid by customer
transaction details total installment amount
transaction details exceeded amount paid
transaction details source url identifier
transaction details reference id
financing entity schema id
status detail
status captured
bank identifier
payment method id
issuer id
type of payment method
id card
card last 4 digits
card first 6 digits
expiry year card
month due card
creation date card
card last updated date
card owner name
owner card formatted name
card owner number
owner card document type
additional information: generated barcode
source descriptor
number of installments
notification url
additional buyer information customer's first name
additional information buyer last name of customer
additional information buyer phone area code
additional information buyer phone number
additional buyer information Zip Code
additional buyer information street name
additional buyer information street number
additional buyer information customer registration date
additional buyer information customer Zip Code
additional information buyer street name of customer
additional information buyer customer street number
additional buyer information customer address complement
additional information buyer department customer address
additional information description of items separated by commas
additional information item titles separated by commas
additional information total amount of items
details of shipping charges
Payment in dispute
For each disputed payment on MercadoPagoTrigger
payment id
payment creation date
payment approval date
payment update date
payment release date
payment creation date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment approval date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment update date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment release date in DD/MM/YYYY
seller code
operation type
free market - buyer first name
free market - buyer last name
free market - nickname buyer
free market - document number
free market - standard document
email do usuário
typical buyer
buyer id
buyer address Zip Code
buyer street address
buyer address number
buyer email
buyer document type
buyer document number
DDD phone buyer
buyer phone number
extension phone buyer
buyer name
buyer surname
binary mode
live mode
type request
request id
external id
transaction amount
transaction amount (formatted in R$)
sales management cost
sales fee
Financing Rates
Sum of sales fees
Shipping fee
transaction amount withdrawn
coupon amount
campaign id
coupon code
transaction details financing entity id
transaction details amount received by seller
transaction details amount received by the seller (formatted in R$)
transaction id
transaction details amount paid by customer
transaction details total installment amount
transaction details exceeded amount paid
transaction details source url identifier
transaction details reference id
financing entity schema id
status detail
status captured
bank identifier
payment method id
issuer id
type of payment method
id card
card last 4 digits
card first 6 digits
expiry year card
month due card
creation date card
card last updated date
card owner name
owner card formatted name
card owner number
owner card document type
additional information: generated barcode
source descriptor
number of installments
notification url
additional buyer information customer's first name
additional information buyer last name of customer
additional information buyer phone area code
additional information buyer phone number
additional buyer information Zip Code
additional buyer information street name
additional buyer information street number
additional buyer information customer registration date
additional buyer information customer Zip Code
additional information buyer street name of customer
additional information buyer customer street number
additional buyer information customer address complement
additional information buyer department customer address
additional information description of items separated by commas
additional information item titles separated by commas
additional information total amount of items
details of shipping charges
Approved payment
For each approved payment on MercadoPagoTrigger
payment id
payment creation date
payment approval date
payment update date
payment release date
payment creation date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment approval date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment update date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment release date in DD/MM/YYYY
seller code
operation type
free market - buyer first name
free market - buyer last name
free market - nickname buyer
free market - document number
free market - standard document
email do usuário
typical buyer
buyer id
buyer address Zip Code
buyer street address
buyer address number
buyer email
buyer document type
buyer document number
DDD phone buyer
buyer phone number
extension phone buyer
buyer name
buyer surname
binary mode
live mode
type request
request id
external id
transaction amount
transaction amount (formatted in R$)
sales management cost
sales fee
Financing Rates
Sum of sales fees
Shipping fee
transaction amount withdrawn
coupon amount
campaign id
coupon code
transaction details financing entity id
transaction details amount received by seller
transaction details amount received by the seller (formatted in R$)
transaction id
transaction details amount paid by customer
transaction details total installment amount
transaction details exceeded amount paid
transaction details source url identifier
transaction details reference id
financing entity schema id
status detail
status captured
bank identifier
payment method id
issuer id
type of payment method
id card
card last 4 digits
card first 6 digits
expiry year card
month due card
creation date card
card last updated date
owner card full name
owner card formatted name
card owner number
owner card document type
additional information: generated barcode
source descriptor
number of installments
notification url
additional buyer information customer's first name
additional information buyer last name of customer
additional information buyer phone area code
additional information buyer phone number
additional buyer information Zip Code
additional buyer information street name
additional buyer information street number
additional buyer information customer registration date
additional buyer information customer Zip Code
additional information buyer street name of customer
additional information buyer customer street number
additional buyer information customer address complement
additional information buyer department customer address
additional information description of items separated by commas
additional information item titles separated by commas
additional information total amount of items
details of shipping charges
Refunded payment
For each refunded payment on MercadoPagoTrigger
payment id
payment creation date
payment approval date
payment update date
payment release date
payment creation date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment approval date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment update date in DD/MM/YYYY
payment release date in DD/MM/YYYY
seller code
operation type
free market - buyer first name
free market - buyer last name
free market - nickname buyer
free market - document number
free market - standard document
email do usuário
typical buyer
buyer id
buyer address Zip Code
buyer street address
buyer address number
buyer email
buyer document type
buyer document number
DDD phone buyer
buyer phone number
extension phone buyer
buyer name
buyer surname
binary mode
live mode
type request
request id
external id
transaction amount
transaction amount (formatted in R$)
sales management cost
sales fee
Financing Rates
Sum of sales fees
Shipping fee
transaction amount withdrawn
coupon amount
campaign id
coupon code
transaction details financing entity id
transaction details amount received by seller
transaction details amount received by the seller (formatted in R$)
transaction id
transaction details amount paid by customer
transaction details total installment amount
transaction details exceeded amount paid
transaction details source url identifier
transaction details reference id
financing entity schema id
status detail
status captured
bank identifier
payment method id
issuer id
type of payment method
id card
card last 4 digits
card first 6 digits
expiry year card
month due card
creation date card
card last updated date
card owner name
owner card formatted name
card owner number
owner card document type
additional information: generated barcode
source descriptor
number of installments
notification url
additional buyer information customer's first name
additional information buyer last name of customer
additional information buyer phone area code
additional information buyer phone number
additional buyer information Zip Code
additional buyer information street name
additional buyer information street number
additional buyer information customer registration date
additional buyer information customer Zip Code
additional information buyer street name of customer
additional information buyer customer street number
additional buyer information customer address complement
additional information buyer department customer address
additional information description of items separated by commas
additional information item titles separated by commas
additional information total amount of items
details of shipping charges
Create task
create a task on TodoistAction
Task title Required
Responsible for the task
Hang tags
Due date
Create customer
create a customer on MercadoPagoAction
customer name
customer's last name
customer email
Didn't find your use case? Send suggestion.
Automate Todoist and MercadoPago
with Pluga integrationsExplore automation templates
For each refunded payment on Mercado Pago, create a task on Todoist
EXPLOREFor each declined payment on Mercado Pago, create a task on Todoist
EXPLOREFor each approved payment on Mercado Pago, create a task on Todoist
EXPLOREFor each cancelled payment on Mercado Pago, create a task on Todoist
EXPLOREFor each chargeback on Mercado Pago, create a task on Todoist
EXPLOREFor each created payment on Mercado Pago, create a task on Todoist
EXPLOREFor each disputed payment on Mercado Pago, create a task on Todoist
EXPLOREMiss an automation with this apps?
Say to us!How to integrate apps with Pluga?
Pluga allows you to integrate two or more apps in a simple, practical way without needing to type a single line of code. Here are the steps to automate your tasks and start focusing on what really matters.
Automate Todoist + MercadoPago
and say goodbye to manual (and tedious) tasks!
By connecting the apps you use through Pluga, you can automate various processes in your routine and have time for tasks that really matter. Todoist
ProjectTodoist is a project management app. Within the platform, it's possible to create and manage task lists and assign them to individuals and teams.
Integrations with Todoist Visit TodoistMercadoPago
PaymentMercadoPago is an online payment platform from Mercado Livre, offering options to make payments, receive payments, manage subscriptions, and more.
Integrations with MercadoPago Visit MercadoPago