Connect Bling with Omie ERP
Unlock the superpowers of Bling + Omie ERP and automate your tasks without having to write a single line of code.
Bling and Omie ERP
your way
Check out the available triggers and actions in the automation of apps Bling + Omie ERP
Accounts receivable created
When an account receivable is created on BlingTrigger
Account: Situation
Account: Due date
Account: Value
Account: Emission date
Account: Fiscal code of the payment method
Account: Description of the accounting account
Account: Origin type
Account: Origin number
Account: Original emission date
Account: Value origin
Account: Origin situation
Account: Source URL
Account: Balance
Account: Original due date
Account: Document number
Account: Competency date
Account: History
Account: Bank number
Contact: Name
Contact: Document
Contact: Type
Account: Type of occurrence
Contact: Code
Contact: Situation
Contact: Mobile phone
Contact: Fantasy name
Contact: State registration indicator
Contact: Issuing authority of the document
Contact: Birthday
Contact: Gender
Contact: Place of birth
Contact: Credit limit
Contact: Payment condition
Contact: Country
Contact: Type descriptions
Contact: People descriptions
Contact: Address
Contact: Address number
Contact: Address complement
Contact: Neighborhood
Contact: Zip code
Contact: City
Contact: State
Contact: Billing address
Contact: Billing address number
Contact: Billing address complement
Contact: Billing address neighborhood
Contact: Billing address CEP
Contact: Municipality of the billing address
Contact: Billing address state
Sales order created
When a sales order is created on BlingTrigger
Order: ID
Order: Number
Order: Virtual store number
Order: Date
Order: Departure date
Order: Estimated date
Order: Item value
Order: Amount
Order: Purchase number
Order: Salesperson name
Order: Seller ID
Order: Other expenses
Order: Observations
Order: Internal observations
Order: Status
Marketplace fee
Shipping fee
Item value with comma
Sales value with comma
Order category
Customer: ID
Customer: Name
Customer: Trade name
Customer: CPF/CNPJ
Customer: Birth date
Customer: ID
Customer: State Registration Indicator
Customer: State registration
Customer: Street
Customer: ZIP code
Customer: Neighborhood
Customer: City
Customer: State
Customer: Address number
Customer: Address complement
Customer: Street of the billing address
Customer: ZIP code of the billing address
Customer: Neighborhood of the billing address
Customer: City of the billing address
Customer: State of the billing address
Customer: Address number of the billing address
Client: Address complement of the billing address
Customer: Email
Customer: Mobile phone number
Customer: Phone number
Customer: Mobile phone (numbers only)
Customer: Telephone (numbers only)
Order: Shipping cost
Shipping: Number of packages
Shipping: Gross weight
Shipping: Delivery time
Shipping: Carrier ID
Shipping: Carrier name
Delivery: Recipient of the delivery address
Delivery: Street
Delivery: Number of address
Delivery: Address complement
Delivery: City
Delivery: Neighborhood
Delivery: ZIP code
Delivery: State
Shipping: Tracking code
Logistics services IDs (separated by commas)
Items: Code
Items: Description
Items: Quantity
Items: Amount
Items: Discount
Items: Description-Quantity
Items: Code-Description-Quantity-Unit value-Discount
Items: Total quantity
Items: [Code] Description: Unit value x Quantity
Items: Description - with line break
Items: Quantity - with line break
Order: Total quantity of products
Items in format: Quantity - Description - Total value (separated by line break)
Taxation - ICMS amount
Taxation: IPI
Order: Store ID
Store description
Store integration type
Intermediary: CNPJ
Intermediary: User name
Order: Discount value
Order: Discount per unit
Order: Invoice ID
Installment: Quantity
Installments: Value - Due date
Installments: Due date
Installments: Observations
Payment method: ID
Payment method in format: Payment method name
Installment: Due date of the first installment
Created customer or supplier
When a customer/supplier is created on Omie ERPTrigger
Customer code - generated by Omie
Integration code
Customer's full name/deal name
CNPJ / CPF of the customer
Customer's trade name
Telephone (DDD)
Telephone number)
Contact name
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Address neighborhood
Full address
Address: State
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Address: Country Code
Telephone 2 (DDD)
Telephone 2 (number)
Fax (DDD)
Fax (number)
State registration
Municipal registration
Suframa Registration
Applicant for Simples Nacional
Activity Type
CNAE Code - Tax
Rural Producer
Internal Observation
Customer or Supplier Tags
Physical person
Total Credit Limit Amount
Block billing for the customer
Customer Recommendations: Email to Invoice
Customer recommendations: Generate Bank slip
Customer recommendations: Number of installments
Customer Recommendations: Seller Code
NIF - Tax Identification Number
Customer is inactive
Banking Details: Bank
Bank Details: Agency
Banking Details: Current account
Banking Data: CNPJ or CPF of the holder
Banking Details: Name of the account holder
Delivery Address: CNPJ / CPF of the Receiver
Delivery Address: Company Name
Delivery Address: Public Place
Delivery Address: Number
Delivery Address: Complement
Delivery Address: Neighborhood
Delivery Address: Zip Code
Delivery Address: UF
Delivery Address: City
Delivery Address: Telephone
Created sales order
For each created sales order on Omie ERPTrigger
Customer Code
Customer: Full name / Company name
Customer: CNPJ / CPF
Customer: Fantasy Name
Customer: DDD Telephone
Customer: Contact Phone
Customer: Contact name
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Address neighborhood
Full address
Address: State
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Address: Country Code
Customer: DDD Telephone 2
Customer: Phone 2
Customer: DDD Fax
Customer: Fax
Customer: Email
Customer: first email
Customer: Comma separated tags
Sales order ID
Sales order number
Expected billing date
Quantity of items
Installment code / Payment terms
Number of installments
Order origin
Products: Code (comma separated)
Products: Sales order description (comma separated)
Products: Code and description (separated by hyphen and comma)
Products: Description and quantity (separated by comma)
Products: Description, price and quantity (separated by hyphen and comma)
Products: CFOP (comma separated)
Products: NCM (comma separated)
Products: merchandise amount (unit amount x quantity, separated by a comma)
Products: Description and quantity (separated by line break)
Products: Code, description and quantity (separated by line break)
Product price table codes
Total sales order amount
Departments: Codes
Departments: Description of departments
Departments: Percentage of departments
Departments: Amounts two departments
Additional Information: Contact
Additional Information: Additional Invoice Data
Additional Information: Seller Code
Additional Information: Project Code
Additional Information: Customer order number
Seller's name
Carrier ID
Type of shipping
Cost of shipping
Insurance price
Own shipping vehicle
Sales order delivery forecast
Quantity of shipping volumes
Sales order delivery tracking code
Other shipping expenses
PIS amount
PIS ST value
COFINS amount
COFINS ST amount
CSLL amount
Total amount of ICMS
Amount of ICMS ST
INSS amount
IPI amount
IR amount
ISS value
Amount of deductions
Sales observation
Amount of discounts
Amount of goods
Sales contract number
Sales order stage
Sales order moved to a specific stage
When a sales order is moved to a specific stage in the Omie ERPTrigger Premium
Customer: Code
Customer Full name/Company Name
Customer: CNPJ/CPF
Customer: Trade Name
Customer: Area Code
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Name
Customer: Address - Street
Customer: Address - Number
Customer: Address - Neighborhood
Customer: Address - Complement
Customer: Address - State
Customer: Address - City
Customer: Address - CEP
Customer: Address - Country code
Customer: Area code telephone 2
Customer: Telephone 2
Customer: Area code fax
Customer: Fax
Customer: Email
Customer: Primeiro e-mail
Customer: Tags (separated by comma)
Order: ID
Order: Number
Order: Estimated billing date
Order: Quantity of items
Order: Payment terms
Order: Number of installments
Order: Origin
Products: Code (separated by comma)
Order: Description (separated by comma)
Product: Code and description (separated by hyphen and comma)
Product: Description and quantity (separated by comma)
Product: Description, price and quantity (separated by hyphen and comma)
Product: CFOP (separated by comma)
Product: NCM (separated by comma)
Product: Value (unit value x quantity, separated by comma)
Product: Description and quantity (separated by line break)
Product: Code, description, and quantity (separated by line break)
Product: Price table codes
Order: Total value
Departments: Codes
Departments: Description
Departments: Percentage
Departments: Values
Additional information: Contact
Additional information: Additional invoice data
Additional Information: Salesperson code
Additional Information: Project code
Additional Information: Order number
Order: Salesperson name
Shipping: Carrier ID
Shipping: Type
Shipping: Value
Shipping: Insurance value
Shipping: Own vehicle
Shipping: Estimated delivery date of the order
Shipping: Quantity of packages
Shipping: Tracking code of the order delivery
Shipping: Other expenses
Taxes: Valor do PIS
Taxes: PIS ST value
Taxes: COFINS value
Taxes: COFINS ST value
Taxes: CSLL value
Taxes: Total ICMS value
Taxes: ICMS ST value
Taxes: INSS value
Taxes: IPI value
Taxes: Income tax value
Taxes: ISS value
Taxes: Deductions value
Order: Sales note
Order: Discount value
Order: Goods value
Order: Sales contract number
Order: Sales order stage
Date on which the sale was moved
Time at which the sale was moved
New customer or registered supplier
For each registered client or supplier on BlingTrigger
Contact: State registration indicator
Contact: Name
Contact: Code
Contact: Situation
Contact: Document number
Contact: Phone number
Contact: Phone number
Contact: Trade name
Contact: Type
Contact: State registration
Contact: ID
Contact: Issuing authority
Contact: Email
Address: Street
Address: ZIP code
Address: Neighborhood
Address: City
Address: State
Address: Number
Address: Complement
Billing: Street of the address
Billing: ZIP code of the address
Billing: Neighborhood of the address
Billing: City of the address
Billing: State of the address
Billing: Address number
Billing: Address complement
Contact: Birthday
Contact: Gender
Contact: Place of birth
Contact: Credit limit
Contact: Payment terms
Contact: Country
Contact: Type
Contact: Type of entity
Seller's name
Sales order with a specific status
When a sales order reaches a certain status on BlingTrigger
Order: ID
Order: Number
Order: Virtual store number
Pedido: Date
Order: Departure date
Order: Estimated date
Order: Item value
Order: Sales value
Order: Purchase number
Order: Seller's name
Order: Seller's ID
Order: Other expenses
Order: Observations
Order: Internal observations
Order: Status
Marketplace fee
Shipping fee
Item value with comma
Sales value with comma
Order category
Customer: ID
Customer: Name
Customer: Trade name
Customer: CPF/CNPJ
Customer: Birth date
Customer: ID
Customer: State Registration Indicator
Customer: State registration
Customer: Street
Customer: ZIP code
Customer: Neighborhood
Customer: City
Customer: State
Customer: Address number
Customer: Address complement
Customer: Billing address street
Customer: ZIP code of the billing address
Customer: Neighborhood of the billing address
Customer: City of the billing address
Customer: State of the billing address
Customer: Address number of billing address
Customer: Address complement of billing address
Customer: Email
Customer: Mobile phone number
Customer: Phone number
Customer: Mobile phone (numbers only)
Customer: Telephone (numbers only)
Shipping: Value
Shipping: Number of volumes
Shipping: Gross weight
Shipping: Delivery time
Shipping: Carrier ID
Shipping: Carrier name
Delivery: Recipient of the address
Delivery: Street
Delivery: Address number
Delivery: Address complement
Delivery: City
Delivery: Neighborhood
Delivery: ZIP code
Delivery: State
Shipping: Tracking code
Logistics services IDs (separated by commas)
Items: Code
Items: Description
Items: Quantity
Items: Amount
Items: Discount
Items: Description-Quantity
Items: Code-Description-Quantity-Unit value-Discount
Items: Total quantity
Items: [Code] Description: Unit value x Quantity
Items: Description (with line break)
Items: Quantity (with line break)
Order: Total quantity of products
Items in format: Quantity - Description - Total value (separated by line break)
Taxation: ICMS value
Taxation: IPI
Order: Store ID
Store description
Store integration type
Intermediary: CNPJ
Intermediary: Name
Order: Discount value
Order: Discount unit
Order: Invoice ID
Installment: Quantity
Installments: Value - Due date
Installments: Due date
Installments: Observations
Payment method: ID
Payment method in format: Payment method name
Installment: Due date of the first installment
Invoiced Service order
For every billed service order on Omie ERPTrigger Premium
Service Order Code
Service Order Number
Service Order Amount
Forecast Date
Seller Code
Seller's name
Number of installments
Service Order Inclusion Date
Time of inclusion of the Service Order
Additional Information: Category Code
Current Account Code
Additional Information: Contact
Additional Information: Additional Invoice Data
Additional Information: Work Code
Additional Information: ART Code
Additional Information: Project Code
Additional Information: City of Service Provision
Additional Information: Receipt Number generated
Customer Order Number
Service order observations
Departments: Codes
Departments: Description of departments
Departments: Percentage of departments
Departments: Amounts two departments
Number of Service NFS-e separated by comma
Description of Services separated by comma
Description and quantity of services separated by commas
Description and unit amount of services separated by commas
Description, unit amount and quantity of services separated by commas
Description and amount of Other Retentions for services separated by commas
Description and amount of surcharges and service fees separated by commas
Due date of installments in the format - 'installment nº: due date'. Separated by comma
Due date of installments separated by comma
Customer Code
Customer: Full name / Company name
Customer: CNPJ / CPF
Customer: Fantasy Name
Customer: Telephone (DDD)
Customer: Telephone (number)
Customer: Contact name
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Address neighborhood
Full address
Address: State
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Address: Country Code
Customer: Telephone 2 (DDD)
Customer: Telephone 2 (number)
Customer: Fax (DDD)
Customer: Fax (number)
Customer: Email
Customer: first email
Customer: Comma separated tags
Billing Date
Billing Time
Additional Information: RPS Date
Issued invoice
For each issued invoice on Omie ERPTrigger
Customer: Customer Code
Customer: Full name / Company name
Customer: CNPJ / CPF
Customer: Fantasy Name
Customer: DDD Telephone
Customer: Contact Phone
Customer: Contact name
Customer: Address - Street
Customer: Address - Number
Customer: Address - Neighborhood
Customer: Address - Complement
Customer: Address - State
Customer: Address - City
Customer: Address - Zip Code
Customer: Address - Country Code
Customer: DDD Telephone 2
Customer: Phone 2
Customer: DDD Fax
Customer: Fax
Customer: All emails
Customer: first email
Customer: Comma separated tags
Invoice ID
Invoice issuance date
Invoice issuance date formatted in dd/mm/yyyy
Product invoice: Sales order ID
Product invoice: Sales order number
Product invoice: Estimated billing date
Product invoice: Quantity of items
Product invoice: Installment code / Payment terms
Product invoice: Number of installments
Product invoice: Origin of order
Product invoice: Products: Code (separated by comma)
Product invoice: Products: Sales order description (separated by comma)
Product invoice: Products: Code and description (separated by hyphen and comma)
Product invoice: Products: Description and quantity (separated by comma)
Product invoice: Products: Description, price and quantity (separated by hyphen and comma)
Product invoice: Products: CFOP (separated by comma)
Product invoice: Products: NCM (separated by comma)
Product invoice: Products: merchandise amount (unit amount x quantity, separated by comma)
Product invoice: Products: Description and quantity (separated by line break)
Product invoice: Products: Code, description and quantity (separated by line break)
Product invoice: Product price table codes
Product invoice: Total amount of the sales order
Product invoice: Departments: Codes
Product invoice: Departments: Description of departments
Product invoice: Departments: Percentage of departments
Product invoice: Departments: Department amounts
Product invoice: Additional Information: Contact
Product invoice: Additional Information: Additional Invoice Data
Product invoice: Additional Information: Seller Code
Product invoice: Additional Information: Project Code
Product invoice: Additional Information: Customer order number
Product invoice: Seller’s name
Product invoice: Carrier ID
Product invoice: Shipping type
Product invoice: Shipping cost
Product invoice: Insurance amount
Product invoice: Own vehicle shipping
Product invoice: Sales order delivery forecast
Product invoice: Quantity of shipping volumes
Product invoice: Sales order delivery tracking code
Product invoice: Other shipping expenses
Product invoice: PIS amount
Product invoice: PIS ST amount
Product invoice: COFINS amount
Product invoice: COFINS ST amount
Product invoice: CSLL amount
Product invoice: Total ICMS amount
Product invoice: Amount of ICMS ST
Product invoice: INSS amount
Product invoice: IPI amount
Product invoice: IR amount
Product invoice: ISS amount
Product invoice: Amount of deductions
Product invoice: Sales note
Product invoice: Amount of discounts
Product invoice: Amount of goods
Product invoice: Invoice number
Product invoice: Invoice key
Invoice product: Danfe invoice
Product invoice: Tax invoice XML
Service invoice: Service Order Code
Service invoice: Service Order Number
Service invoice: Service Order Amount
Service invoice: Expected date
Service invoice: Seller Code
Service invoice: Seller's name
Service invoice: Number of Installments
Service invoice: Service Order Inclusion Date
Service invoice: Time of inclusion of the Service Order
Service invoice: Additional Information: Category Code
Service invoice: Current Account Code
Service invoice: Additional information: Contact
Service invoice: Additional Information: Additional Invoice Data
Service invoice: Additional Information: Work Code
Service invoice: Additional Information: ART Code
Service invoice: Additional Information: Project Code
Service invoice: Additional Information: City of Service Provision
Service invoice: Additional Information: Receipt Number generated
Service invoice: Customer Order Number
Service invoice: Service order observations
Service invoice: Departments: Codes
Service invoice: Departments: Description of departments
Service invoice: Departments: Percentage of departments
Service invoice: Departments: Department amounts
Service invoice: Number of Service NFS-e separated by comma
Service invoice: Description of Services separated by comma
Service invoice: Description and quantity of services separated by commas
Service invoice: Description and unit amount of services separated by commas
Service invoice: Description, unit amount and quantity of services separated by commas
Service invoice: Description and amount of Other Retentions for services separated by commas
Service invoice: Description and amount of surcharges and service fees separated by commas
Service invoice: Due date of installments in the format - 'installment no: due date'. Separated by comma
Service invoice: Due date of installments separated by comma
Service invoice: Invoice verification code
Service invoice: Invoice number
Service invoice: Tax invoice XML
Service order created
For each service order created in Omie ERPTrigger Premium
Service order: Code
Service order: Number
Service order: Value
Service order: Forecasted Date
Service order: Salesperson code
Service order: Salesperson name
Service order: Number of installments
Service order: Inclusion date
Service order: Inclusion time
Additional information: Category code
Additional information: Checking account
Informações Adicionais: Contato
Additional information: Additional data of the invoice
Additional information: Work code
Additional information: ART code
Additional information: Project code
Additional information: City of service provision
Additional information: Generated receipt number
Service order: Customer order number
Service order: Observations
Departments: Codes
Departments: Description
Departments: Distribution percentage
Departments: Values
Service order: NFS-e and service numbers (separated by comma)
Service: Descriptions (separated by comma)
Service: Description and quantity (separated by comma)
Service: Description and unit price (separated by comma)
Service: Description, unit price, and quantity (separated by comma)
Descrição e valor de Outras Retenções dos serviços separados por vírgula
Service: Description and value of surcharges and fees (separated by comma)
Códigos municipais dos serviços separados por vírgula
Installments: Due date (in the format 'installment number: due date', separated by comma)
Installments: Due dates (separated by commas)
Customer: Code
Customer: Name/Legal Entity Name
Customer: CNPJ/CPF
Customer: Trade name
Customer: Phone area code
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Name
Customer: Street
Customer: Address number
Customer: Neighborhood
Customer: Address complement
Customer: State
Customer: City
Customer: Zip code
Customer: Country code
Customer: Phone area code 2
Customer: Telephone 2
Customer: Fax area code
Customer: Fax
Customer: Email
Customer: First email
Customer: Tags (separated by comma)
Cliente: Website
Invoice issued
For each new issued invoice on BlingTrigger
Invoice: ID
Invoice: Situation
Invoice: Number
Invoice: Emission date
Contact: ID
Contact: Name
Contact: Document number
Contact: Email
Contact: Code
Contact: Status
Contact: Cellphone
Contact: Trade name
Contact: Type
Contact: State registration indicator
Contact: Document issuing authority
Contact: Date of birth
Contact: Gender
Contact: Place of birth
Contact: Credit limit
Contact: Payment condition
Contact: Country
Contact: Type descriptions
Contact: People descriptions
Contact: Address
Contact: Address number
Contact: Address complement
Contact: Neighborhood
Contact: Zip code
Contact: City
Contact: State
Billing: Address
Billing: Address number
Billing: Address complement
Billing: Neighborhood
Billing: ZIP code
Billing: City
Billing: State
(Only NFe) Invoice's access key
(Only NFe) Invoice's XML
Invoice's DANFE link (Only NFe)
Invoice's PDF link (Only NFe)
(only NFe) Invoice value
(Only NFe) Freight paid by the invoice
(Only NFe) Invoice's transporter name
(Only NFe) Carrier document
(Only NFe) Transport label name
(Only NFe) Transport label address
(Only NFe) Transport address number
(Only NFe) Transport address complement
(Only NFe) City of the transport address
(Only NFe) State of the transport address
(Only NFe) ZIP code of the transport address
(Only NFe) Neighborhood of the transport address
(Except NFSe) Invoice type
(Except NFSe) Invoice operation date
(Except NFSe) State registration of the contact on the invoice
(Except NFSe) ID of the contact on the invoice
(Except NFSe) Phone number on the invoice
(except service invoice) Operation nature ID
(except service invoice) Operation nature description
(Only NFSe) Invoice's RPS number
(Only NFSe) Invoice series
(Only NFSe) Invoice's value
Store ID
Store description
Store integration type
New business proposal created
When a new business proposal is created on BlingTrigger
Proposal: Situation
Proposal: Date
Proposal: Total
Proposal: Products total
Proposal: Number
Contact: ID
Invoice: Contact's name
Invoice: Contact document number
Invoice: Contact email
Invoice: Contact code
Invoice: Contact situation
Invoice: Contact cellphone number
Invoice: Fantasy name
Invoice: Type
Invoice: Contact IE indicator
Invoice: Document issuing authority of the contact
Invoice: Contact's birthday
Invoice: Contact's gender
Invoice: Contact's naturality
Contact: Credit limit
Invoice: Contact payment condition
Invoice: Contact's country name
Invoice: Contact type descriptions
Invoice: Description of the contact's people
Invoice: Contact's address
Invoice: Contact's address number
Invoice: Contact's address complement
Invoice: Contact's neighborhood
Invoice: Contact's postal code
Invoice: Contact's city
Invoice: Contact's state
Invoice: Contact's billing address
Invoice: Contact's billing address number
Invoice: Contact's billing address complement
Invoice: Billing address neighborhood of the contact
Invoice: Billing address postal code of the contact
Invoice: Billing address city of the contact
Invoice: Billing address state of the contact
Store: ID
Store: Description
Store: Integration type
Proposal: Discount
Proposal: Other expenses
Proposal: Warranty
Proposal: Next contact date
Proposal: Observations
Proposal: Internal observations
Proposal: Other items total
Proposal: Responsible person
Proposal: Introduction
Proposal: Delivery time
Product ID
Product description
Product unit
Product quantity
Product discount
Product value
Product description
Number of days to due
Installment value
Installment due date
Installment observations
Payment method ID
Proposal: Seller's name
Proposal: Freight modality
Proposal: Freight value
Proposal: Number of volumes
Proposal: Delivery time
Proposal: Gross weight
Proposal: Transport contact ID
Proposal: Transporter name
Proposal: Volume ID
Proposal: Transport service
Invoiced Sales order
For every billed sales order on Omie ERPTrigger Premium
Customer Code
Customer: Full name / Company name
Customer: CNPJ / CPF
Customer: Fantasy Name
Customer: Telephone (DDD)
Customer: Telephone (number)
Customer: Contact name
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Address neighborhood
Full address
Address: State
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Address: Country Code
Customer: Telephone 2 (DDD)
Customer: Telephone 2 (number)
Customer: Fax (DDD)
Customer: Fax (number)
Customer: Email
Customer: first email
Customer: Comma separated tags
Cliente: Website
Sales order ID
Sales order number
Expected billing date
Quantity of items
Installment code / Payment terms
Number of installments
Order origin
Products: Code (comma separated)
Products: Sales order description (comma separated)
Products: Code and description (separated by hyphen and comma)
Products: Description and quantity (separated by comma)
Products: Description, price and quantity (separated by hyphen and comma)
Products: CFOP (comma separated)
Products: NCM (comma separated)
Products: merchandise amount (unit amount x quantity, separated by a comma)
Products: Description and quantity (separated by line break)
Products: Code, description and quantity (separated by line break)
Product price table codes (separated by comma)
Total sales order amount
Departments: Codes
Departments: Description of departments
Departments: Percentage of departments
Departments: Amounts two departments
Additional Information: Contact
Additional Information: Additional Invoice Data
Additional Information: Seller Code
Additional Information: Project Code
Additional Information: Customer order number
Seller's name
Email do vendedor
Número da comissão do vendedor
Carrier ID
Type of shipping
Cost of shipping
Insurance price
Own shipping vehicle
Sales order delivery forecast
Quantity of shipping volumes
Sales order delivery tracking code
Other shipping expenses
PIS amount
PIS ST value
COFINS amount
COFINS ST amount
CSLL amount
Total amount of ICMS
Amount of ICMS ST
INSS amount
IPI amount
IR amount
ISS value
Amount of deductions
Sales observation
Amount of discounts
Amount of goods
Link do PDF do pedido de venda
Sales contract number
Sales order stage
Billing date
Billing time
NFS-e number of the order separated by a comma
Accounts payable created
For each accounts payable created in Omie ERPTrigger
Customer: Code
Customer: Full Name/Legal Name
Customer: CNPJ/CPF
Customer: Trading Name
Customer: DDD Telephone
Customer: Telephone
Customer: Contact name
Customer: Address - Street
Customer: Address - Number
Customer: Address - Neighborhood
Customer: Address - Additional Information
Customer: Address - State
Customer: Address - City
Customer: Address - CEP
Cliente: Address - Country code
Customer: DDD Telephone 2
Customer: Telephone 2
Customer: DDD Fax
Customer: Fax
Customer: Email
Customer: First email
Customer: Tags (separated by comma)
Accounts payable: Category code
Accounts payable: Integration code
Accounts payable: ID
Accounts payable: Issuance date
Accounts payable: Payment due date
Accounts payable: Due date
ID da conta corrente
Accounts payable: Document number
Accounts payable: Fiscal document number
Accounts payable: Installment number
Accounts payable: Order number
Accounts payable: COFINS withholding
Accounts payable: CSLL withholding
Accounts payable: IR withholding
Accounts payable: ISS withholding
Accounts payable: PIS withholding
Accounts payable: Payment status
Accounts payable: COFINS value
Accounts payable: CSLL value
Accounts payable: Amount
Accounts payable: INSS amount
Accounts payable: IR amount
Accounts payable: ISS amount
Accounts payable: PIS amount
Departments: ID (separated by comma)
Departments: Descriptions (separated by comma)
Departments: Division percentages (separated by comma)
Departments: Values (separated by comma)
Accounts payable: Total tax amount
Create or update registry (clients and suppliers)
create/update a registration (customers and vendors) on BlingAction
Name or company name of the contact Required
Person type Required
Contact CPF or CNPJ
Contact's code
Trade name of the contact
Type of contribution
State registration
Type contact
Contact's phone number
Contact's mobile number
Address: Street
Address: Number
Address: Complement
Address: Neighborhood
Address: ZIP code
Address: City
Address: State
Customer's birth date
Issue an invoice
Issue an invoice in BlingAction
Client: Name Required
Client: Email Required
Client: Address Required
Client: Address number Required
Client: Address complement
Client: Address neighbourhood Required
Client: Address ZIP code Required
Client address city Required
Client: State Required
Client: CPF/CNPJ Required
Client: Phone number
Invoice: Number
Client IE
Client: Municipal Registration
Invoice: Description of the service
Invoice: Service amount
Invoice: Service list code
Invoice: Emission date (format dd/mm/aaaa)
Invoice: Name of the seller registered in the system
Invoice: RPS number of the order
Invoice: Withholding of ISS
Discount value
Invoice: Payment terms
Invoice: Model of the referenced document
Client: Person type
Client IE
Client: ID
Client: Contributor
Client: Country
Delivery: Service Alias
Delivery: Tracking Code
Invoice: Type
Invoice: Finality
Invoice: Store ID
Invoice: Name of the nature of operation
Invoice: Date of Departure
Invoice: Date of the original invoice
Invoice: Number of the original invoice
Invoice: Original invoice series number
Invoice: Original coupon COO
Invoice: Original invoice access key
Installments: Number
Installments: Observation
Installments: Invoice start due date
Installments: Payment method
Carrier: Name
Carrier: CPF or CNPJ
Carrier: State Registration
Carrier: ID
Carrier: Address and number
Carrier: City
Carrier: State
Carrier: Vehicle license plate
Carrier: State of the vehicle
Carrier: Vehicle brand
Carrier: Type of freight
Carrier: Number of packages
Carrier: Gross weight of the package
Carrier: Net weight of the package
Carrier: Name of the postal service
Carrier: Recipient name
Carrier: Recipient address
Carrier: Recipient address number
Carrier: Recipient address complement
Carrier: Recipient address county
Carrier: Recipient address state acronym
Carrier: Recipient ZIP code
Carrier: Recipient neighbourhood
Carrier: Freight value
Carrier: Insurance value
Invoice: Expenses value
Discount value
Invoice: Order remarks
Intermediator: CNPJ
Intermediary: Username or seller profile identification
Product: Item Description
Product: Item value
Product: Item amount
Product: Item identification code
Product: Item type
Product: Item origin
Product: Item gross weight
Product: Item net weight
Invoice: Purchase Order Number
Invoice: Fiscal Classification of the Item - NCM
Invoice: CEST Code
Product: Additional Description
Create account receivable
create an account receivable on Omie ERPAction
Update customer data
Update customer based on
Customer: CNPJ / CPF
Customer: Full name or Company name Required
Customer: Trade name / Short name Required
Due date Required
Account amount Required
Download document automatically
Data do recebimento recebimento
Account discount
Account interest
Account fines
Category selection mode
Create category as a sub-category of:
Category notes
P&L account
Receipt forecast
Bank account selection mode
Checking account
Bank account name
Customer: Telephone (DDD)
Customer: Telephone (number)
Customer: Phone 2 area code
Customer: Phone Number 2
Customer: Email
Customer: Contact name
Customer: Internal Observation
Customer: Detailed Observation
Address format
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Full address
Address neighborhood
Address: Country
Address: UF
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Customer Bank Code
Customer Bank Branch
Customer Bank Checking Account
Document of the Customer's Bank Account Holder (CPF/CNPJ)
Name of Customer's Bank Account Holder
Customer: Tags
Customer: Send attachments by e-mail
Details: Invoice
Details: Issue date
Project selection mode
Details: Project
Details: Seller
Details: Observations
Department selection mode
Create department as a sub-department of:
Repeat bill as installments
Day of the month to create installments
Day of the week to create installments
Days between installments
Number of installments
Withheld taxes: PIS amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the PIS Amount
Taxes withheld: CSLL Amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the CSLL Amount
Taxes withheld: ISS Amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the ISS Amount
Withheld taxes: COFINS amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the COFINS Amount
Taxes withheld: IR Amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the IR Amount
Taxes withheld: INSS Amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the INSS Amount
Miscellaneous: Order number
Miscellaneous: Document type
Miscellaneous: Document number
Miscellaneous: NSU/TID
Miscellaneous: Barcode
Miscellaneous: Registration date
Miscellaneous: NF-e Key
Diversos: Nº do Contrato de Venda
Create contract (single item)
create a new contract on Omie ERPAction Premium
Update customer data
Update customer based on
Customer: Full name or Company name Required
Customer: Trade name / Short name Required
Customer: CNPJ / CPF
Auto generate contract number?
Contract: Contract number
Contract: Initial term of the services contract Required
Contract: Final term of the service contract Required
Contract: Contract billing type
Contract: Billing day Required
Situação do contrato
Service: Service Code
Service: Full description of the service provided Required
Service: Number of services Required
Service: Unit amount of the service Required
Service: Discount type
Service: Discount amount
Withhold ISS?
Additional information: Category Required
Additional information: City of Service Provision Required
Additional information: UF of Service Provision Required
Department selection mode
Create department as a sub-department of:
Additional information: Work code
Additional information: ART Code
Additional information: Project
Additional information: Current Account Required
Additional information: Contact Name
Email to customer: Email addresses Required
Due date and NFS-e Texts: Due date type Required
Due date and NFS-e Texts: Number of days to maturity
Due date and NFS-e Texts: Fixed due date
Additional information: Selection of sellers
Additional information: Seller
Seller: Email
Due date and NFS-e Texts: Will due date only occur in the following month?
Due date and NFS-e Texts: Anticipate or postpone Saturdays, Sundays and holidays?
Due date and NFS-e Texts: Add 'Contract Number' to the description of services in NFS-e
NFS-e due date and Texts: Add the installment due date to the description of services in the NFS-e?
Due date and NFS-e Texts: Reference period
Due date and NFS-e Texts: Add the reference period associated with billing?
Starting day of the billing period
End day of the billing period
Send a service receipt (instead of NFS-e)
Email to the customer: Send the NFS-e link generated at City Hall?
Notes: Contract notes
Notes: Additional data for the Invoice
Email to the customer: Send the bank slip(s) or PIX(es) of billing?
Billing and Forecasts: Generate account receivable for this item?
Customer: Telephone area code
Customer: Phone Number
Customer: Phone 2 area code
Customer: Phone Number 2
Customer: Email
Customer: Contact name
Customer: Internal Observation
Customer: Detailed Observation
Address format
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Full address
Address neighborhood
Address: Country
Address: UF
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Customer Bank Code
Customer Bank Branch
Customer Bank Checking Account
Document of the Customer's Bank Account Holder (CPF/CNPJ)
Name of Customer's Bank Account Holder
Customer: Tags
Customer: Send attachments by e-mail
Sales order (single item)
create a sales order on BlingAction Premium
Order date Required
Items type Required
Order item code
Items description Required
Item quantity Required
Item unit value Required
Name or company name of the contact Required
Person type Required
Contact CPF or CNPJ
Contact's code
Type of contribution
State registration
Type of registration
UF address
Order status
Trade name
Phone number
Street address
Number address
Complement address
Neighborhood address
ZIP code
Contact birth date
Order departure date
Expected delivery date
Order discount value
Discount unit type
Other expenses
Payment condition
Data de vencimento da primeira parcela
Installments' quantity
Installment notes
Salesperson selection strategy
Salesperson: Name
Category selection strategy
Category: Name
Recipient's name of the order
Street of the delivery address
Number of the delivery address
Address complement of the delivery address
City of the delivery address
State of the delivery address
ZIP code of the delivery address
Neighborhood of the delivery address
Shipping type
Order weight
Cost of freight
Order number on online store
Internal notes
Store ID
Create or update customer
create or update a customer on Omie ERPAction
Update customer data
Update customer based on
Full name / Company name Required
Customer Type
Telephone (DDD)
Telephone number)
Telephone 2 (DDD)
Telephone 2 (number)
Contact name
Trade name / Short name Required
Address format
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Full address
Address neighborhood
Address: Country
Address: UF
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Telephone 2 (DDD)
Telephone 2 (number)
Fax (DDD)
Fax (number)
Web site
State registration
Municipal registration
Suframa Registration
Applicant for Simples Nacional
Type of Activity
Rural producer
Internal Observation
Detailed Observation
Total Credit Limit Amount
Delivery Address: CNPJ / CPF of the Receiver
Delivery Address: Company Name
Delivery Address: Public Place
Delivery Address: Number
Delivery Address: Complement
Delivery Address: Neighborhood
Delivery cost: Zip Code
Delivery Address: UF
Delivery Address: City
Delivery Address: Telephone
Recommendations: Email for invoice
Customer Bank Code
Customer Bank Branch
Customer Bank Checking Account
Document of the Customer's Bank Account Holder (CPF/CNPJ)
Name of Customer's Bank Account Holder
Default Salesperson selection
Default salesperson
Customer: Send attachments by e-mail
Salesperson: Email
Create service order
create a service order on Omie ERPAction
Update customer data
Update customer based on
Customer: Full name or Company name Required
Customer: Trade name / Short name Required
Customer: CNPJ / CPF
Sales forecast Required
Service: Brief description Required
Service: Quantity Required
Service: Unit amount Required
Bank account selection mode
Additional information: Current Account
Bank account name
Categoria selection mode
Additional information: Category
Create category as a sub-category of:
Category notes
P&L account
Additional information: UF Service Provision Required
Additional information: City Service Provision Required
Installment period
Number of installments
Gap between installments
Department selection mode
Create department as a sub-department of:
Service: Service Code
Seller selection
Seller: Email
Customer: Telephone (DDD)
Customer: Telephone (number)
Customer: Phone 2 area code
Customer: Phone Number 2
Customer: Email
Customer: Contact name
Customer: Internal Observation
Customer: Detailed Observation
Address format
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Full address
Address neighborhood
Address: Country
Address: UF
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Inscrição Estadual
Inscrição Municipal
Customer Bank Code
Customer Bank Branch
Customer Bank Checking Account
Document of the Customer's Bank Account Holder (CPF/CNPJ)
Name of Customer's Bank Account Holder
Customer: Tags
Customer: Send attachments by e-mail
Service: Discount Type
Service: Discount Amount
Service: ISS Tax Rate
Service: Withholding at source
Service: Generate account receivable for this item?
Additional information: Customer order number
Additional information: Sales contract number
Additional information: Contact
Project selection mode
Additional information: Project
Additional information: Additional data for the Invoice
Additional information: Work code
Additional information: ART Code
Additional information: RPS date
Email to send the bank slip, receipt, NF-e
Email to customer: Send bank slip
Email to the customer: Send the NFS-e link generated at the city hall
Email to the customer: Send a service receipt (instead of NFS-e)
Sales notes (not displayed on the invoice)
Create purchase order
create purchase order on Omie ERPAction
Update client
Client: Full name or legal entity name Required
Client: Trade name/Abbreviated name Required
Client: State Required
Client: CNPJ/CPF
Product: Description Required
Product: Quantity Required
Product: Unit price Required
Product: Code
Product: Discount amount
Purchase: Revenue forecast Required
Purchase: Number of installments
Client: Phone area code
Client: Phone number
Client: Secondary phone area code
Client: Secondary phone
Client: Email
Client: State registration number
Client: Contact name
Client: Internal note
Client: Detailed note
Address format
Address: Street
Address: Number
Address: Additional information
Address: Neighborhood
Address: Country
Address: City
Address: Zipcode
Delivery address: CNPJ/CPF
Delivery address: Legal entity name
Delivery address: Street
Delivery address: Number
Delivery address: Additional information
Delivery address: Neighborhood
Delivery address: ZIP code
Delivery address: State
Delivery address: City
Delivery address: Phone
Client: Tags
Client: Total credit limit value
Client: Bank code
Client: Bank branch
Client: Checking account number
Client: CPF/CNPJ of the bank account holder
Client: Name of the bank account holder
Shipping: Carrier code
Shipping: Carrier integration code
Shipping: Type
Shipping: Vehicle license plate
Shipping: Vehicle state
Shipping: Number of packages
Shipping: Kind of volumes
Shipping: Brand of volumes
Shipping: Numbering of volumes
Shipping: Cost
Shipping: Insurance value
Shipping: Seal number
Shipping: Other incidental expenses
Purchase: Payment destination department
Generate accounts receivable
generate accounts receivable in BlingAction
Bill's contact name Required
Person type Required
CPF/CNPJ of the contact
Email Required
Due date of the invoice Required
Amount of the invoice Required
Payment method
Contact's document number
Issuance date of the invoice
Date of competency of the invoice
Account category
Account history
Type of contribution
State registration
Contact type
State address
Trade name
Contact's phone number
Street address
Address number
Address complement of the contact
Neighborhood of the contact's address
ZIP code of the contact's address
City of the contact's address
Account selection strategy
Account: Name
Create account payable
create an account payable on Omie ERPAction
Update customer data
Update customer based on
Payee/Supplier: CNPJ / CPF
Payee/Supplier: Full name or Company name Required
Payee/Supplier: Trade name / Short name Required
Due date Required
Account amount Required
Category selection mode
Create category as a sub-category of:
Category notes
P&L account
Payment forecast
Bank account selection mode
Current account
Bank account name
Automatically mark document as paid
Payee/Supplier: Telephone area code
Payee/Supplier: Telephone Number
Favorecido/Fornecedor: DDD do Telefone 2
Favorecido/Fornecedor: Número do Telefone 2
Payee/Supplier: Email
Payee/Supplier: Contact name
Cliente: Observação Interna
Cliente: Observação Detalhada
Address format
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Full address
Address neighborhood
Address: Country
Address: UF
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Favorecido/Fornecedor: Tags
Customer Bank Code
Customer Bank Branch
Customer Bank Checking Account
Document of the Customer's Bank Account Holder (CPF/CNPJ)
Name of Customer's Bank Account Holder
Customer: Send attachments by e-mail
Details: Invoice
Details: Issue date
Details: Registration date
Seleção de informações de Integração Bancária e CNAB
Payment method
Payment method
Boleto bar code
Interest rate
Purpose of the transfer
Purpose of the transfer
Pix key or QR Code
Bank code
Bank agency number
Bank account number
Account holder's CPF/CNPJ
Account holder's name
Project selection mode
Details: Project
Details: Observations
Department selection mode
Create department as a sub-department of:
Withheld taxes: PIS amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the PIS Amount
Taxes withheld: CSLL Amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the CSLL Amount
Taxes withheld: ISS Amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the ISS Amount
Withheld taxes: COFINS amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the COFINS Amount
Taxes withheld: IR Amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the IR Amount
Taxes withheld: INSS Amount
Taxes withheld: Withhold the INSS Amount
Miscellaneous: Order number
Miscellaneous: Document type
Miscellaneous: Document number
Miscellaneous: NF-e Key
Miscellaneous: Barcode
Miscellaneous: Salesperson
Create sales order (single item)
create a sales order on Omie ERPAction Premium
Update customer data
Update customer based on
Customer: Full name or Company name Required
Customer: Trade name / Short name Required
Address: UF Required
Customer: CNPJ / CPF
Sales forecast Required
Product: Description Required
Product: Quantity Required
Product: Unit amount Required
Product: Code
Bank account selection mode
Additional information: Current Account
Bank account name
Additional information: Category Required
Installment period
Number of installments
Gap between installments
Installments: Document type
Installments: Payment method
Tax Scenario
Customer: Telephone (DDD)
Customer: Telephone (number)
Customer: Phone 2 area code
Customer: Phone Number 2
Customer: Email
State registration
Customer: Contact name
Customer: Internal Observation
Customer: Detailed Observation
Address format
Address: Public place
Address: Number
Full address
Address neighborhood
Address: Country
Address: City
Address: Zip Code
Delivery Address: CNPJ / CPF of the Receiver
Delivery Address: Company Name
Delivery Address: Public Place
Delivery Address: Number
Delivery Address: Complement
Delivery Address: Neighborhood
Delivery Address: Zip Code
Delivery Address: UF
Delivery Address: City
Delivery Address: Telephone
Customer: Tags
Total Credit Limit Amount
Customer Bank Code
Customer Bank Branch
Customer Bank Checking Account
Document of the Customer's Bank Account Holder (CPF/CNPJ)
Name of Customer's Bank Account Holder
Customer: Send attachments by e-mail
Product: Discount Type
Product: Discount Amount
Product: Generate account receivable for the sale proceeds?
Shipping: Corporate Name Carrier
Shipping: Carrier's CNPJ
Shipping: Shipping type
Shipping: Vehicle plate
Shipping: UF of the vehicle
Shipping: RNTRC (ANTT)
Shipping: Number of volumes
Shipping: Type of volumes
Shipping: Brand of volumes
Shipping: Volume numbering
Shipping: Net weight
Shipping: Gross weight (kg)
Shipping: Shipping cost
Shipping: Insurance amount
Shipping: Seal number
Shipping: Other incidental expenses
Shipping: Delivery forecast
Shipping: Tracking code
Shipping: Transport carried out by own vehicle
Seller selection
Seller: Email
Additional information: Customer order number
Additional information: Sales contract number
Additional information: Contact
Additional information: Project
Additional information: Additional data for the Invoice
Additional information: Invoice for Final Consumption
Additional information: Email to send the bank slip, DANFE and NF-e XML
Send bank slip, DANFE and NF-e
Operation Presence Indicator.
Intermediary Indicator.
CNPJ of the Intermediary.
Identification at the Intermediary.
The customer is foreign, but in fact it is not an export
Boarding location (or border crossing)
State of Boarding Location
Dispatch Location
Sales notes (not displayed on the invoice)
Fuel Product: ANP Product Code
Fuel Product: Product Description according to ANP
Fuel Product: CODIF Registration
Fuel Product: % of LPG Derived from Petroleum
Fuel Product: % of National Natural Gas
Fuel Product: % of Imported Natural Gas
Fuel Product: Starting Amount
Fuel Product: Quantity Billed at Ambient Temperature
Fuel Product: Consumption UF
Fuel Product: CIDE Calculation Base (in quantity)
Fuel Product: Aliq Amount. in Reais from CIDE
Fuel Product: CIDE Amount
Fuel Product: Calculation Base of the Sender UF (ICMS Transfer)
Fuel Product: Amount of the Sender UF (ICMS Transfer)
Fuel Product: Calculation Base of the UF Destination (ICMS Transfer)
Fuel Product: Amount of Destination UF (ICMS Transfer)
Didn't find your use case? Send suggestion.
Automate Bling and Omie ERP
with Pluga integrationsExplore automation templates
When a created sales order is on Bling, create an account receivable on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a created sales order is on Bling, create a sales order on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a created sales order is on Bling, create a service order on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a sales order reaches a certain status on Bling, create an account payable on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a sales order reaches a certain status on Bling, create an account receivable on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a sales order reaches a certain status on Bling, create a service order on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a sales order reaches a certain status on Bling, create or update a customer on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a sales order reaches a certain status on Bling, create a sales order on Omie ERP
EXPLOREFor each new issued invoice on Bling, create an account receivable on Omie ERP
EXPLOREFor each new issued invoice on Bling, create a service order on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a sales order reaches a certain status on Bling, create a new contract on Omie
EXPLOREFor each registered client or supplier on Bling, create or update a customer on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a sales order reaches a certain status on Bling, create a buy order on Omie ERP
EXPLOREWhen a sales order reaches a certain status on Bling, create purchase order on Omie ERP
EXPLOREFor each issued invoice on Omie ERP, generate accounts receivable in Bling
EXPLOREFor each issued invoice on Omie ERP, issue an invoice in Bling
EXPLOREMiss an automation with this apps?
Say to us!How to integrate apps with Pluga?
Pluga allows you to integrate two or more apps in a simple, practical way without needing to type a single line of code. Here are the steps to automate your tasks and start focusing on what really matters.
Automate Bling + Omie ERP
and say goodbye to manual (and tedious) tasks!
By connecting the apps you use through Pluga, you can automate various processes in your routine and have time for tasks that really matter. Bling
ERPBling is an ERP aimed at facilitating business management. Its features include issuing invoices and payslips, stock control, and financial management.
Integrations with Bling Visit BlingOmie ERP
ERPOmie ERP is a business management system that integrates various areas such as sales, purchasing, financial, inventory, and accounting, facilitating the administration and control of a company.
Integrations with Omie ERP Visit Omie ERP